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Nervous System.

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Presentation on theme: "Nervous System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nervous System

2 Development of Control Systems
Response to stimuli (MRSGREN) essential for survival Single celled organisms versus multi-cellular organisms Differentiation/specialisation Need coordination Nervous versus endocrine Both work together e.g. rabbit running from fox – what systems involved?

3 Sense organs detect change (receptors)
Effectors respond Distance between two Complex organisms have many sensors and effectors CNS – every sensor and effector has at least 1 link Locomotion led to brain in anterior Spinal cord links brain to rest of body

4 Nervous System 3 functions:
1. Collect information about external environment 2. Process and integrate this information (often in relation to previous experience) 3. Act upon information by coordinating the organisms activities.




8 Neurones


10 Types of neurone sensory neurone relay neurone (interneurone)
motor neurone

11 Structure Cell body with nucleus
Dendrites transmit impulses to cell body Impulses leave via axon Myelin sheath composed of Schwann cells Neurons packed and wrapped to form nerves May contain sensory, effector or mixture

12 Nerve Structure


14 Multiple Sclerosis Schwann cells make up myelin sheath
70% lipid, 30% protein Provides insulation and allows rapid conduction of electrical signals Gradual degradation of myelin sheath Demyelinated axons (plaques) Cannot conduct impulses


16 Effects of MS Affects optic nerve, cerebellum, cervical spinal cord, ventricles in brain Symptoms – weakness of limbs, pins and needles, numbness, blurred vision and eye pain. Relapse and remission cycle No cure More women (3:2) Temperate climate

17 Resting Potential Neurons have an electrical potential
(voltage) across the cell membrane, i.e. membrane is POLARISED. The inside of the cell is more negative than the outside This is called the Resting Membrane Potential = 70mV

18 Resting Potential

19 What causes this?

20 What causes this? Concentrations of K+ and COO- ions are high inside the neuron Concentrations of Na+ and Cl- are high outside the neuron Membrane is more permeable to K+ than Na+ Concentration of K+ inside 20x greater so K+ ions rapidly diffuse out until equilibrium reached This results in the inside being more negative than outside

21 Cont’d Difference in concentration of ions maintained by active transport against concentration gradient Sodium/potassium CATION pumps transport Na+ out and K+ in Requires ATP

22 Cation Pumps

23 Action Potential Explanation of Action Potential

24 Action Potential Stimulation can reverse the charge on a neuron (-70 to +40mV) Membrane DEPOLARISED If stimulus exceeds certain value (THRESHOLD) an action potential results Rapid reversal of the resting membrane potential that travels down the axon

25 Cont’d Above the threshold value size of action potential remains the same ALL or NOTHING RESPONSE Size of action potential remains constant as it passes along neurone

26 Action Potential

27 Ion Movement Action potential result of sudden influx of Na+ ions
Due to increased permeability of membrane Cation pump maintains high levels of Na+ Influx of Na+ depolarises membrane Positive feedback K+ moves in opposite direction Continues until membrane repolarised VOLTAGE GATED CHANNELS



30 Action potential animation
Action potential propagation animation

31 Refractory Period After an action potential, outward movement of K+ quickly restores resting potential But for 1ms after action potential influx of Na+ is prevented Called REFRACTORY PERIOD A new AP cannot be generated during this time

32 Importance of Refractory Period
Action potential can only be propagated in the region which is not refractory Impulse moves in forward direction By the end of the refractory period the action potential has passed further down the nerve so a second action potential is separated from 1st by 1ms Limits frequency of impulses along nerve

33 Refractory Cont’d Has two parts: ABSOLUTE refractory period – 1ms
No new impulse can be propagated RELATIVE refractory period – 5ms New impulses only propagated if stimulus is more intense than normal threshold

34 Transmission of Impulse
Action potential moves rapidly along neurone 0.5 m/s to 100 m/s 2 factors affect speed Diameter of axon Myelin sheath

35 Saltatory Conduction Myelin sheath not continuous
Nodes of RANVIER every 1mm Action potential can only form in unmyelinated areas so jump from node to node


37 Nervous Impulse Animation

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