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An Architecture and Prototype Implementation for TCP/IP Hardware Support Mirko Benz Dresden University of Technology, Germany TERENA 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "An Architecture and Prototype Implementation for TCP/IP Hardware Support Mirko Benz Dresden University of Technology, Germany TERENA 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Architecture and Prototype Implementation for TCP/IP Hardware Support Mirko Benz Dresden University of Technology, Germany TERENA 2001

2 Required Processing Routing Switching Quality of Service Support Internet Security Provision Required Processing Power Application Complexity 1000+ Instructions per Packet Motivation – Demanding Services TERENA 2001

3 Motivation – MIPS versus Bandwidth Trend TERENA 2001 Technological Progress / Time MIPS Performance / Bandwidth Processor Performance Evolution ~100%/18 month Available Bandwidth Hardware Support for Protocol Processing Acceleration Case Study: TCP

4 Assumptions & Preconditions -Restriction to Local Area Networks (e.g. Gigabit Ethernet) -High Bandwidth and Low Error Probability -Concentration on Host Implementations Project Overview TERENA 2001 Protocol Analysis TCP/IP Partitioning System Simulation Evaluation Optimisation Efficient OS Integration Prototype Variants Flexible Protocol Engine Domain Specific Methodology

5 Talk Outline  TCP Protocol Performance Evaluation  TCP Acceleration Approach  System Simulation Environment  Operating System Integration  Hardware Implementation Directions  Myrinet Implementation and Results  Conclusions and Outlook TERENA 2001

6 TCP Protocol Performance Evaluation TCP Software Implementation Structure Sources of Protocol Processing Overhead - Communication, Synchronisation - Operating System Call Overhead - Copy Operation - Classification: Per-Byte / Per-Packet Optimisation Opportunities - Interrupt Suppression - Zero Copy Mechanisms - User Level Networking - Checksum Offloading (e.g. Task Offload) - Extending frame sizes (e.g. Jumbo Frames) TERENA 2001 Network Driver IP TCP Socket Application

7 TCP Protocol Performance Evaluation Performance TCP versus Myrinet GM: - Throughput 335/967 Mbit/s (TCP/Myrinet) - Latency 81/29  s (TCP/Myrinet) - 100% CPU Utilisation - (RedHat Linux 6.2 / PIII 500 MHz) TERENA 2001

8 Goals? Software Implementation as a Foundation Achieve On Wire Compatibility Consider Different Target Architectures Develop Re-Useable Hardware Components Integration of High Level Tools System Wide Optimisation Efficient, Transparent Operating System Integration Domain Specific Methodology Flexible Protocol Engine TERENA 2001

9 TCP Acceleration Approach TCP SW Stack Complexity -General Purpose Protocol -Not Designed for High End Networking -Many Interdependent Algorithms -Often Modified, Adapted, Optimised -~15.000 Lines C Approach -TCP Partitioning -> Fast Path Extraction -Hardware Support -> Acceleration -Operating System Bypass HW/SW Synchronisation -Initialisation, Termination/Error Transparent Integration -Socket Level Switch Network Driver IP TCP Socket Application PE TERENA 2001

10 Fast Path Protocol Processing TERENA 2001 TCP Send SenderReceiver TCP Recv Send Ack Network Connection Context TCP Send TCP Recv Send Ack Connection Context Data Ack Only for User Data Exchange No Connection Management No Error Recovery – Only Detection Complexity ~10% of SW Stack

11 Netserver Socket User Mode Linux Netserver Socket User Mode Linux System Simulation Environment TERENA 2001 Network Simulator Netperf Socket User Mode Linux CORBA Complex Communication System Real Applications, Operating System (User Mode Linux) Network Simulation – Error Injection Fast Path Implementation: Hardware/Software System Evaluation: Functionality & Performance ISA Simulator TCP Fast Path SW VHDL Simulator TCP Fast Path HW Evaluation

12 Fast Path Hardware Implementation Directions Embedded RISC Processor -LEON Sparc 33 MHz, INTEL StrongARM 200 MHz -OS: ucLinux, GNU C Environment  Intelligent Network Adapter (Myrinet) -RISC Core with User/Network Interface, DMA Engines -Control Program Modification, no Operating System Network Processor (INTEL IXP1200) -6 multithreaded microengines -Development: IXP Assembler, Simulator Specific Hardware -High Level FPGA Design Flow, XILINX Virtex -SYNOPSYS Protocol Compiler Software Hardware TERENA 2001

13 Myrinet Implementation Plattform TERENA 2001 LOCAL SRAM LANai 7 Host Interface Packet Interface RISC PCI Bridge DMA Controller Myrinet Link 64 bit 64 bit, 33 MHz1280 Mbit/s Technology - Packet-Communication and Switching Technology - High-Performance, Highly Reliable - System-Area Network, Cluster Interconnect Intelligent Network Adapter

14 TCP Fast Path/Myrinet Development Environment - Host SW GM (message passing), Firmware MCP – open source - GNU C Suite, no OS, one context only, no Interrupts Implementation - MCP: 4 Event Driven State Machines - Fast Path Integration within Network Send & Recv Code - Exploitation of Hardware Support for Checksum Computation - No specific Optimisations, Some Limitations TERENA 2001

15 TCP Fast Path / Myrinet Performance Results Performance - Test Setup: INTEL PIII/500MHz, Myrinet LAN Adapter, Linux OS - Netperf Benchmark Throughput/Delay - Throughput Peak: 967, 816, 333 Mbit/s (GM, Fast Path, TCP) - Delay Minimum: 16.5, 49, 81  s (GM, Fast Path, TCP) TERENA 2001

16 Summary & Outlook Integrated Architecture and Desing Flow for Protocol Processing Acceleration -TCP Partitioning -System Simulation Environment -Integration with existing SW TCP Stack & OS Prototype with Promising Performance Present Work: -Fast Path HW Implementation and SoC Integration Protocol Analysis TCP/IP Partitioning System Simulation Efficient OS Integration Prototype Variants Evaluation Optimisation Flexible Configurable Protocol Engine TERENA 2001

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