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By: Aaron Andrade, Denise Miranda, Jazmin Hernandez, and Araceli Sanchez.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Aaron Andrade, Denise Miranda, Jazmin Hernandez, and Araceli Sanchez."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Aaron Andrade, Denise Miranda, Jazmin Hernandez, and Araceli Sanchez

2  We are suggesting to Maple Elementary to turn off some lighting in rooms  In classrooms  In cafeteria  In library

3  We suggest that they turn off  21 light tubes (7 light cubes)  This means we turn off  Two side rows  One middle row  Open the curtain to the windows

4  We suggest that they  turn off 32 light tubes  Open the windows for more lighting  That is the 2 nd switch off

5  We suggest that they  Turn 1 switch off Turns of two tubes per cube (Left & right)  Open all the front curtains

6  We suggest they  Turn 2 switches off per section Turns off 3 cubes off From other cubes turns one tube off

7  We asked a student and she said she could be able to work in the amount of light shown  She said she felt comfortable  We asked a janitor if he would mind to open curtain in cafeteria  He said it was no bother  We found out how much the cost will be  $1, 924 per year  Money will not go to the school  Sacramento District will save money Teachers Programs

8  Turning your lights will not only save money but help by producing less pollution  They can all harm our planet  Sometimes these are out of our reach  But saving energy reduces pollution  There are four consequences of pollution

9  It’s rain that has the PH lower than level 5.6  PH- How acidic liquid is  This can destroy  Cultural life  Animal life  Makes other acidic contents  If you turn off your lights, you can reduce acid rain.

10  We are creating a lot of Carbon Dioxide, turning your lights can reduce it  If we put more CO 2 we are creating more  CO 3  pollution  CO 2 +H 2 0=H 2 CO 3  CO3 is bad because we have more pollution at ground level

11  Sulfur dioxide (SO 2 )  Sulfur trioxide (SO 3 )  Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 )  To much of these three chemicals is worse than CO 3  SO 2 +H 2 O=H 2 SO 3 Sulfurous acid  SO 3 +H 2 0=H 2 SO 4 Sulfuric acid  2NO 2 +H 2 0=HNO 3 +HNO 2 Nitrous acid Nitric acid

12  Regularly air goes up into atmosphere with pollution  In Sacramento air stays trapped in the lower atmosphere.  Creating bad amounts of ozone at ground level

13 N 2 +0 2 + Energy= 2NO 2 2No+ O 2 = 2NO 2 NO 2 + Sunlight= NO+O O+O 2 + O 3  We create these chemicals, creating to much ozone

14  Ozone is good to have at ground level  Good because  It keeps climate consistent  To much is not good  Changes climate

15  Coal is dug up and send to boats  Boats deliver Coal to power plants  Burned to make heat and water makes steam  Goes inside generator  Sends electricity to wire and its pushed out by voltage transformers

16  SMUD is a good electricity company because  Uses natural gases Easily transported Cleanest fossil fuel  The gas turbine uses hot gases released from burning the natural gas to turn the turbine generates electricity

17 Thank you for your time! By: Denise Miranda Jazmin Hernandez Aaron Andrade Araceli Sanchez (Sacramento New Technology High School)

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