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> A simulation activity designed to show young people how the Red Cross responds to emergencies. > There are two versions of the activity, using different.

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Presentation on theme: "> A simulation activity designed to show young people how the Red Cross responds to emergencies. > There are two versions of the activity, using different."— Presentation transcript:


2 > A simulation activity designed to show young people how the Red Cross responds to emergencies. > There are two versions of the activity, using different scenarios. You can choose from either a disaster zone or war zone. What is Operation Amphibian?

3 The key issues in both scenarios > Displaced people, driven from their homes, live under constant threat from landmines and snipers (war zone) or terrible flooding (disaster zone). Many children have been separated from their families. > There is a chronic shortage of food and clean water, and a risk of serious disease from lack of hygiene.

4 The aim of the activity > Participants take roles as members of the Red Cross from around the world. They have to work together to respond to the needs of displaced people. They are led by a local member of the Red Cross from the affected country. > The key needs are shelter and clean running water. They also need to reunite separated families.

5 1You will train for your role as a member of the Red Cross. This includes learning about landmines for the war zone scenario, or understanding people’s needs and wants during a disaster. 2You will learn first aid and apply what you’ve learned. 3You will consider your surroundings and environment and map the area you’ve fled to. How the activity is run

6 4You will build bridges to enable safe crossing of a river in your area. 5You will build a safe camp, erecting shelters and supplying them with goods from the warehouse. 6You will run a tracing enquiry to trace loved ones who may be lost. 7You will run clean water to the camp from a water supply. (optional activity) How the activity is run













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