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Diffusion of Innovation Multimedia Presentation SMART Board.

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1 Diffusion of Innovation Multimedia Presentation SMART Board

2 The Blackboard and Whiteboards are predecessors of SMART Boards. T

3 SMART Boards NEED: In 1986, David Martin advised his colleague, Nancy Knowlton, of his idea to develop a “device that would allow people to collaborate, in real time, in an electronically shared space.”

4 SMART Board RESEARCH Entrepreneurs themselves, Martin and Knowlton desired a device composed of a whiteboard, computer, and projector that will enhance learning and assist facilitation of designated material. Martin and Knowlton received financial support for their innovation from INTEL

5 SMART Board DEVELOPMENT Martin and Knowlton experienced technical issues regarding integrating touch technology for use as a mouse and had to make continuous modifications to the product to ensure it was useful to its intended audience of educators.

6 SMART Board COMMERCIALIZATION SMART Boards were diffused into the marketplace in 1991 with mixed reactions from potential buyers. Now, customers include Ford, Proctor & & Gamble, and news organizations around the globe.

7 SMART Board Smart board clip from CBS morning show

8 SMART Board Time line for SMART Board Life magazine SMART Board timeline

9 S-Curve for Smartboard

10 SMART Board-Diffusion I believe early adopters of SMART technology were K-12 classrooms. In America, 1 out of every 5 classrooms is equipped with SMART board technology. SMART boards are proven reliable and easy to use technology for educators; therefore, influencing attitudes and beliefs regarding this innovation.

11 SMART Board See articles on SMART board usage and adoption: opinions_on_education/93102.html SMART/Innovation/Beginnings+of+an+industr y

12 SMART Board-Adoption Laggards in regards to implement SMART boards may include school districts with few resources to acquire the innovation. Other laggards may include seasoned educators that are hesitant to implement technology into their lessons because they prefer face to face lectures/facilitation Adoption of the innovation may occur by providing professional development and trial basis opportunities.

13 Adopter Categories

14 SMART Board-Triability “Trialability is the degree to which an innovation may be experimented with on a trial basis” (p. 258). Trialability will allow individuals to make an informed decision by engaging with the innovation; therefore, increasing the ability for adoption.

15 SMART Board-Observabiity “Observability is the degree to which the results of an innovation are visible to others. Professional development will expose the capabilities of this innovation to potential users. Observing fellow educators incorporate SMART board technology in lesson planning to differentiate instruction will influence perceptions and adoption rates.

16 SMART Board-Approach A hybrid form of adoption featuring aspects of centralized and decentralized will far best with product diffusion. The innovation was developed and diffused by a small group of professionals and diffused in a systematic manner to potential adopters. Change agents/opinion leaders will evaluate the product and determine appropriate use for their work settings.

17 SMART Board-Change Agents Technology leaders, Media Specialists, and Curriculum/Instruction leaders in schools and corporate environments are identified as change agents. Role 1 of change agent: Through observation, change agents determine how technology should be used to engage and meet the diverse needs of students.

18 SMART Board-Change Agents Role 2 of change agent: Rapport must be established with change agents to receive buy-in from them and opinion leaders. “The change agent can enhance these relationships with clients by being perceived as credible, competent, and trustworthy, and by empathizing with the clients’ needs and problems” (Rogers, 2004, p. 369).

19 SMART Board-Change Agents Role 3 of change agent: Ability to analyze and discern why existing innovations are not effective from the viewpoint of the client, regarding maximizing use of technology in work setting. Role 4 of change agent: Present options and capabilities of innovation and allow users to experience using the product.

20 SMART Board-Change Agents Role 5 of change agent: Develop relationship with opinion leaders to activate a communication network among professionals. Role 6 of change agent: Buy-in is established and maintained for innovation. Role 7 of change agent: Innovation becomes self sustaining and moves towards independence from change agent.

21 SMART Board-Critical Mass Critical Mass has been reached for the technological innovation. Reinvention and development of related products/services for the innovation sustains relevancy for users.

22 Need for SMART Board Why not provide students with an innovation that will meet the diverse needs of all learners? To initiate diffusion of the innovation, change agents should elicit insight from opinion leaders in K-12 settings. Champion leaders are needed to drive the push for adoption and set the agenda and plan of action. To implement diffusion, all occurrences and decision- making regarding the innovation are enabled. Matching the innovation with appropriate settings is essential for successful adoption.

23 Need for SMART Board SMART Board use in classrooms SMART Board uses

24 Need for SMART Board “Interactive whiteboards often enhanced the quality of teaching and learning.” “Interactive whiteboards’ power and versatility helped produce excellent lessons when used by effective teachers.”

25 Reasons to Adopt SMART Board “Interactive whiteboards improved teachers’ knowledge, confidence and ability to teach.” “Interactive whiteboard, their students’ engagement in the learning process increased.” “Students’ attention and engagement improved when the SMART Board interactive whiteboard was combined with a classroom audio system.”

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