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Central Elementary August 16, 2011 Mrs. Krutz, Principal.

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1 Central Elementary August 16, 2011 Mrs. Krutz, Principal

2 Central Elementary - Children First The Central Elementary faculty and staff, with the support of parents and community, recognize the needs of every child, establish a nurturing environment, and facilitate the development of lifelong learners. Opportunities are provided for students to think creatively, learn to make responsible decisions, and meet with academic success.

3 Central Elementary Accolades  Central Elementary is a Four Star School  Combined Indiana Statewide Testing for Educational Progress-Plus (ISTEP+) passing percentages  Top 25 th percentile for each grade level.  Must make AYP – student performance and participation rates on the (ISTEP+) assessments in English/language arts and mathematics and student attendance 1 2 3 4

4 Central Elementary Accolades  Exemplary Progress/Letter Grade A - Public Law 221  Spell Bowl, Math Bowl and Science Bowl all were top 10 winners in the state last year.  94% passing ISTEP+

5 PL221 Goal  All Students will show growth in the area of reading comprehension across the curriculum.

6 Central Elementary - Chargers  PBIS - Positive Behavior, Interventions and Support  Charger Tickets  Classroom Charger Tickets  WOW Wheel Weekly drawings Special Occasions

7 Extra Curricular Opportunities  4 th and 5 th Grade Students  Spell Bowl – Mr. Wallace  Math Bowl – Mr. Darnell  Science Bowl – Mrs. Estridge  Choir – Mr. Meyer  After School Sports – Mrs. Mersman and Mrs. Walsh  Grades 2 nd through 5 th  Art Club

8 Student Council – Grades 3 rd – 5 th  Sponsor Fundraising & School Spirit Activities  We believe that children who give to others at an early age will continue to be philanthropists throughout their lives.  Some Activities include: Salvation Army Bell Ringing, Crazy Fridays, Sheet & Towel Drive for the Animal Shelter, Food Drive, Jar Wars, Bake Sale, and Smencial sales.

9 Attendance  Instruction that is lost when your child is not at school can never be fully gained.  If your child is sick please keep them home.  Vacations  Check the school calendar before scheduling family vacations.  Planned Absence Forms

10 Attendance Awards  Perfect Attendance Awards  Quarterly  Excellent Attendance Award  Yearly  Students that miss 3 or less days of school

11 Edline/ Parent Portal – Grades 1 st – 5 th  Electronic Grade Book  Weekly Update  Activation Codes  Not for Kindergarten students  Elimination of Interim Reports Student School Teacher Parent

12 Testing, Testing and more Testing  NWEA  K-2  Acuity  Grades 3-5  AIMSweb  Benchmark in Grades 3-5 and monitoring in grades K-2  ISTEP+  Grades 3-5

13 Technology  Computer Lab  Interactive whiteboards  Document Cameras  Projectors  SMART Boards  55 regular Laptops  75 Netbooks  2 iPads  80 iPod Touches

14 Immunizations  Please make sure that your child is up to date on all of their immunizations  Nurses – Mrs. Pocratsky and Mrs. Hite

15 Late Start Wednesdays  Every Wednesdays our school day will begin 30 minutes later.  Doors will open at 9:00 a.m. and school will begin at 9:15 a.m.  This time will be used for teacher collaboration.

16 Self-Guided Tour  Bottom Floor – Kindergarten Classrooms, Art and Music shared room), gym, Kitchen, cafeteria.  Middle Floor – 1 st grade, 2 nd grade, FROG/Title I room, and resource room.  Top Floor – 3 rd grade, 4 th grade, 5 th grade, computer lab, library, offices – secretary, principal, nurse, and social worker.

17 Central is Happy to Have You!  Our staff is excited to begin this new school year with you.  Please feel free to contact Mrs. Scheub, our school secretary or Mrs. Krutz, principal, if you have any questions.    219-531-3030

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