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Please sit wherever you feel comfortable.. If only checking for understanding were this simple… I get it.

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Presentation on theme: "Please sit wherever you feel comfortable.. If only checking for understanding were this simple… I get it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please sit wherever you feel comfortable.

2 If only checking for understanding were this simple… I get it

3 I don’t get it!

4 I totally understand!

5 Immediate, accurate, specific feedback makes a HUGE difference. The immediate feedback of the Prius’ display quickly taught me to be a more economical driver.

6 Chapter 4 Formative Assessment and Feedback: Checking Understanding Minute by Minute

7 Please complete the CLOZE notes.

8 Frequent Formative Assessment Why?

9 Why are formative assessments helpful? Tell someone near you something you remember.


11 What does NOT work?

12 According to one of Dan’s emails…

13 Principles of Quality Feedback A.There are clear, specific goals at the start of the lesson B.The feedback explicitly demonstrates how the goal can be achieved C.All learners are involved in the feedback process ( teacher, self, and peer )

14 Principles of Quality Feedback D.The feedback should be immediate and frequent. E.Academic progress should be linked to controllable factors such as hard work and tenacity. F.The teacher should be genuinely encouraging

15 Several recommended formative assessment strategies.

16 Stick it! Teacher asks a question Students, individually or in pairs, write answers on sticky notes Teacher reviews answers and gives feedback Suggestions: Use one color (for anonymity) Have students put names on back Various graphic organizers on the board can work with this.


18 Cubes Six sides of a cube correspond to six topics Students, in groups, roll the dice and discuss the topic Teacher eavesdrops and provides feedback Notes: They don’t have to be topics to discuss; they can be terms to define or illustrate, or…


20 Bow Ties On chart paper, two students draw a bow tie The partners use their side for their assigned task They confer on answers They work together on the middle 2 + 2 = Orange 2 + 2 = 4

21 Sorts Teacher divides a concept into categories Students, alone, in pairs, or in groups, sort images or facts into the categories Teacher observes/ eavesdrops and provides feedback Also: Sorts can be agree/disagree, true/false, sequencing events, etc.


23 Whiteboards There are SO many uses for these: short answer, true/false, illustrating terms, explaining vocabulary, writing sentences, etc. The key is the feedback: common errors and general misunderstandings to correct, right answers and exemplary responses to guide students’ path.

24 Carousel/Gallery Walk Place chart paper around the room labeled with different questions or topics Students, alone, in pairs, or in groups, are assigned a different color marker from others Leader of group gathers consensus on the group’s “answer” or contribution Note: This is good for peer-to- peer feedback as well as teacher-to-group feedback

25 When the teacher asks if you understand… On the outside On the inside

26 Communication Devices

27 Sticky Bar Graphs “If we had time to discuss just one homework question, what would it be?” Note: This helps the teacher know WHAT specifically students are struggling with.


29 Peaks and Valleys Students self-assess with a line graph: strengths and weaknesses, peaks and valleys of understandings in key conceptual areas. DodgeballRock-ClimbingBear-Wrastlin’ 100% 0% I’m GREAT at it! I’m terrible at this! I’m a’ight!

30 To Sum Up Stick-it! Cubes Bow-tie Sorts Whiteboards Carousel/Gallery Walk Communication Devices Stick bar graphs Peaks and Valleys

31 On the back of your CLOZE notes 1.List your three favorite formative assessment tools or strategies. 2.Share one with your table 3.Each table share one with the staff



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