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By: Ariel Estep  Fake weed  Mr. nice guy  Spice  Pep spice  Spice silver  Spice gold  Spice diamond  Smoke  Skunk  Genie  Texas gold  Fake.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Ariel Estep  Fake weed  Mr. nice guy  Spice  Pep spice  Spice silver  Spice gold  Spice diamond  Smoke  Skunk  Genie  Texas gold  Fake."— Presentation transcript:


2 By: Ariel Estep

3  Fake weed  Mr. nice guy  Spice  Pep spice  Spice silver  Spice gold  Spice diamond  Smoke  Skunk  Genie  Texas gold  Fake pot  Legal weed  Synthetic marijuana  Herbal incense Common Names For K2

4 Common abusers

5  Elevated blood pressure (reported up to 100-200, that’s medically dangerous)  Fast heart beat (reported up to rate of 150, this is also medically dangerous)  Delusions  High doses of hallucinations  Paranoia Long Term Effects

6  Increased Agitation  Sleepiness  Relaxation  Pale Skin  Vomiting, this suggesting that k2 affects the cardiovascular system of users and/or affects the central nervous system, causing severe life threatening hallucinations and in some cases seizures  Increased Agitation  Sleepiness  Relaxation  Pale Skin  Vomiting, this suggesting that k2 affects the cardiovascular system of users and/or affects the central nervous system, causing severe life threatening hallucinations and in some cases seizures Short Term Effects

7 Possible effects  Seizures  Coma  Unconsciousness  Numbness  Tingling  Levels of anxiety  Panic attacks  Possible suicide attempts

8  K2 is a concoction, a substance that reportedly gives a marijuana- like high  K2 was created by a k2 compound and incense  K2 compound is a drug substance  The k2 compound was first created in the mid-1990s,in the lab of organic chemist John W Huffman  K2 is a concoction, a substance that reportedly gives a marijuana- like high  K2 was created by a k2 compound and incense  K2 compound is a drug substance  The k2 compound was first created in the mid-1990s,in the lab of organic chemist John W Huffman History Of K2

9  K2 compound was first sold by the people of china, as a plant stimulant  K2 was first smoked as a drug, some where in Europe  The k2 was picked up when some one decided to take k2 compound and mix it up with the mixture of incense, then smoke it to get very high History of k2

10  k2 is about 10 times more active than THC, (THC is the active ingredient in marijuana)  The k2 compound has never been tested on humans  K2 compound has been tested on mice and after the experiment the mice ended up dying  k2 is about 10 times more active than THC, (THC is the active ingredient in marijuana)  The k2 compound has never been tested on humans  K2 compound has been tested on mice and after the experiment the mice ended up dying History of k2


12  In 2009 there were 53 calls made to the poison control center, for attempted suicide because of k2  In 2010 there were 2500 calls made to the poison control center, for attempt suicide because of k2  2010 in Canada, there had been 12 cases of suicide  2011 k2 products were spiked with powerful designer drugs (cocaine, heron, meth, crack, and other drugs like that)

13  2011 there has been nearly 30 cases of teenagers in the US, experiencing effects after smoking k2  2012 there are over 352 nationwide emergency room incidents which includes suicide, extremely elevated heart rate and blood pressure, comas, seizures, and anxiety attacks History of k2

14 In 2010 a 14 year old boy in Florida was admitted to the emergency room after experiencing seizures and difficulties breathing, it was said that he and his older brother had been smoking herbal incense another name for k2 Same thing happened to a 17 year old boy who lived in Texas, he smoked k2 before school and was rush to the emergency room because he was experiencing seizures Stories of k2

15  Dr. Volker runs a toxicology lab in Germany, at the university hospital, he wanted to know more about k2, so he did something a little unusual, he and one of his colleagues tested the k2 products on themselves, they took a packet of a product called spice diamond, then they rolled 300 milligrams, that was a tenth of the packet, they shared it, so they would each get a small dose, and all it took was 5 minutes and the effects started kicking in, they had massive reddening to the eyes and very dry mouths, their heart rate doubled from 60 to 120 beats per min it took 6 hrs for the k2 to get out of their system

16  A 16 year old girl was at a party, and one of her friends gave her something to smoke, and she smoked it because she thought it was pot, but come to find out, it was k2 the girl was having the effect from the k2, a week later Stories of k2

17  Police have reported an 18 year old boy smoking k2, then he started having a severe anxiety attack, then he start say that he was “going to hell” then soon after that he went home, then he shot and killed himself

18  Test have been done on k2 products and the test have found no illegal substances and they were not able to detect the active ingredients that could explain the high, plus they could not detect most of the herbs in k2 Facts about k2

19  Kansas was the first state to pass the law of banning the sale of the k2 products  Also European nations have banned all k2 products  Plus laws have been proposed to banning the sales of k2 in Missouri, Tennessee and several other states as well

20  Dozens of websites still continue to offer k2 products for sale  K2 has a chemical structure that is shared with cancer causing agents  When people smoke k2, its like the drug hijacks into the important parts of your brain like the temperature control, food intake, perception, memory and problem solving Facts about k2

21  K2 is sold in tobacco shops, head shops and other stores  K2 is sold as incense and it is marked “not for human consumption” but yet people still use it in that way  The price of k2 averages is around $45 for 3 grams(that equals about 3 packs of sugar) that is said to be higher that good grade marijuana

22  K2 is most often smoked but it can be mixed in with food or with drinks  K2 can be sold in a variety of colors and flavors and it usually is sold in foil packaging  Said to give you a small hangover  It is said that to smoke k2, was like playing Russian roulette, you don’t ever know what going to happen to you Facts about k2

23 K3???  Another name for k3 is funky monkey weed  K3 is like k2, but the only difference between them, is that k3 gets you higher and k3 is more dangerous  K3 is practically sold in the same places as k2, k3 is new and in proved  K3 is also sold in the same packaging, it is also said that the cashiers wont let you observe the product unless you plan to buy it

24  K3 is cheaper than k2, for the same amount(k3 is $25)  K3 is said to look a lot more like real weed  The k3, active ingredients is a mystery, no one seems to know the active ingredients contained in k3  It is said that if you over dose yourself on k3 than you get high doses of hallucinations, or even death K3???


26  K4 is basically the same as k3 and k2  K4 also known as “k4 train wreak” and k4 weed  K4 is a legal but lethal new drug problem  k4 helps to make up part of morphine  K4 is about $20 K4???

27 Allergic reaction  This is what could happen if you had a allergic reaction  Skin looking like its been burned


29 Videos about k2

30 K2 is bad for everyone



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