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 Changing Attitudes and Values Chapter 6 Section 3.

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1  Changing Attitudes and Values Chapter 6 Section 3

2 New Social Order  Three Social Classes  Late 1800s in Western Europe  Upper classes = very rich business families  Middle Class = mid-business people, and professionals like doctors and scientists  Lower Middle Class = teachers and office workers  Lowest = Workers, peasants  30 percent population (1900)

3 The Ideal Home  Middle Class Husbands who were successful kept women at home  Women  reared children  directed servants  Pious (religious)  CULT OF DOMESTICITY  Idealized women in the home

4 Women Advance  Elizabeth Cady Stanton  U.S. women rights activist against slavery  Suffrage  What do you think this means?  Discuss with neighbor

5 Darwin’s Theory  Natural Selection  1859, Darwin published On The Origins of Species  Hugely controversial  Evolution  Natural Selection  Natural forces selected those with physical traits best adapted to their environment to survive and to pass the trait on to their offspring

6 Social Darwinism  Idea of survival of the fittest  People applied these ideals how they wished  RASCISM  1800s, many Europeans and Americans claimed that their success was due to supremacy of white races.

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