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Reference/Source: "Special Education in Ontario Schools", p.65 Reference/Source: "Education for All" p. 65 & 108.

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Presentation on theme: "Reference/Source: "Special Education in Ontario Schools", p.65 Reference/Source: "Education for All" p. 65 & 108."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reference/Source: "Special Education in Ontario Schools", p.65 Reference/Source: "Education for All" p. 65 & 108

2 Components of Explicit Strategy Instruction 1. Process and Content Objectives: effectively used for children with special needs have all the components for neurodevelopment functions :

3 Such as: phonological awareness morphology semantic facility sentence comprehension discourse comprehension, active working memory automization paired association memory spatial processing and pattern recognition. ……for example.

4 2. When and Where to use this Strategy: Children with reading disabilities need help achieving reading fluency. The Read Aloud narrative, whether fiction or non-fiction can be used daily as a corrective measure or possible remedy for some day-to-day school problems associated with learning disabilities in Reading/Language such as:

5 Reading Problems: loses place regularly makes many flying guesses does not attempt a new or strange word ignores punctuation and other cues makes up words, telescopes reverses and transposes loses meaning of a sentence from beginning to end gets events out of sequence infers content that is not there forgets details does not seem to retain a basic stock of spelling words\often uses creative, phonetic spelling words

6 3. Rationale for using the Process and Content of this Strategy with Special Needs Students: Read aloud literature in both process and content can strengthen the areas of:

7 Things like: Reading/Language Writing Skills Personal Organization Copying/Note-Making and Social Skills. (page 65, Spec. Ed. In Ont. Schools)

8 4. To model this strategy I will display several samples of effective and good quality children's books. I will read 3 in particular:

9 Read Alouds: Grill Pan Eddy Bedtime at the Swamp Superhero ABC

10 5. Anecdotal Evidence of Strategy Effectiveness: There are massive amounts of accumulated data on the value of Read Alouds and the use of the Narrative. "The repeated interactive read-aloud technique is a research-based approach to comprehension and vocabulary development in preschool and kindergarten." (2007 international Reading Association) (pp.742-751) See Internet links and Resources on previous page.

11 6. Cue Students for Transfer and Generalization: I have chosen a selection of Read-Aloud books for display, as a sample of using this strategy in the Language Arts Junior and Intermediate Divisions.

12 Thank you And now to the story…..

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