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 NAME AS MANY NGOs as you can. Non-Governmental Organisation.

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Presentation on theme: " NAME AS MANY NGOs as you can. Non-Governmental Organisation."— Presentation transcript:

1  NAME AS MANY NGOs as you can

2 Non-Governmental Organisation

3  Who are the key players? WATER CONFLICTS To understand what NGOs and TNCs (key players) are doing to solve water scarcity

4 WHY?  Using named examples, assess the role of different players and decision makers in trying to secure a sustainable ‘water future’. (15)

5 What is the link?

6 An NGO – Water Aid  QxtxtYPIb7E&feature=channel QxtxtYPIb7E&feature=channel  UFe3DBlXhA&feature=channel UFe3DBlXhA&feature=channel  Water aid solutions

7 Water Aid Projects  Works in 27 countries globally k/default.asp k/default.asp  Including Ethiopia, Uganda, Ghana and Bangladesh

8 Water Aid Projects  ETHIOPIA  Mobile toilets have been established in the capital Addis Ababa  These help keep the environment clean  Provides the homeless with employment  Uganda  In the Wakiso district educate people about sanitation methods. Involves :  Maintain water sources and stop animals using it  Locals are taught how to construct latrines, so the water does not become contaminated with faeces

9 Water Aid Projects  Ghana  Here over 5 million have no access to clean water  Water Aid provided tools and education on how to dig wells to pump clean water – go below the water table and put stones in bottom to act as filter  Villagers form a committee and decided where the well will be  Some trained in how to repair  Impacts – more people attend school, less illness, more people sell food and ice water, less time to fetch water  Bangladesh  Water Aid and its partners negotiated with the Dhaka city water authorities for permission to establish communal water points, where slum communities can access water from the city water supplies through hand pumps  The water points are run on a cost-recovery basis where users pay a small fee to the community management committee to use the facilities

10 World Trade Organisations and TNCs  Countries need secure water supplies to further their economic development  Many countries benefit from international aid to improve water provision  Most aid projects work with the needs of local people and follow international guidelines to gain the agreement of riverside land users (riparians)  HOWEVER there have been controversial projects  Can you name any?

11 WTO and TNCs  WTO now encourage countries to open up their economies to private investment in return for debt relief  Countries have been seeking private investment from companies such as Veolia/Vivendi, Ondea and Bechtel, who view water as a business  What are the positives and negatives of this approach?

12 Privatisation  10% of the global population receive water from private firms; could rise to 17% by 2015  WB now actively encourages LEDCs to sell off their water systems to private companies in return for debt relief  IMF claim that only a private investment of $50 billion/yr could guarantee supplies of fresh water to Latin America

13 Bolivia  In Cochabamba a private company took over water supplies and raised prices to ensure a profit margin  Locals faced a stark choice; paying 20% of their wages for water or feeding their children  Four day riot resulted  170 injured, 17yr old died  The government then cancelled the firms contract

14 Bolivia What do you think? La Paz and El Alto Privately run by SUEZ of France as part of the WB/IMF conditions for debt relief Cochabamba Publicly run since 2000 by SEMAPA, after the riots against privatisation Corporate efficiency Coverage is 100%, so every street has a piper water supply (not all can afford to be connected) Service extends to the city boundary Connections have increased by 50% Cost equivalent of $450/person to be connected (less than 20% connected) 200 000 people have been excluded since 2005 through cost Government inefficiency Coverage to houses is 45% Connections have increased by 16% Water supplies are only available for 2hr/day, 3day/week SEMAPA are unable to supply 55% of the population who have to dig their own wells and beg for water

15 What do you think?  Draw up an argument for an against the privatisation of water supplies  Think about countries of varying levels of development  Is water to the 21 st century what oil was to the 20 th ?

16 Final Thoughts  e=channel_page e=channel_page

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