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Male Reproductive System Chapter 16. Combining Forms for the Male Reproductive System balan/obalanoplasty epididym/oepididymitis.

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Presentation on theme: "Male Reproductive System Chapter 16. Combining Forms for the Male Reproductive System balan/obalanoplasty epididym/oepididymitis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Male Reproductive System Chapter 16

2 Combining Forms for the Male Reproductive System balan/obalanoplasty epididym/oepididymitis

3 Combining Forms for the Male Reproductive System orch/oorchitis orchi/oorchiopexy orchid/oorchidectomy test/otesticle

4 Combining Forms for the Male Reproductive System perine/operineal prostat/oprostatodynia sperm/ooligospermia spermat/ospermatic vas/o vasorrhaphy

5 Male Reproductive System

6 Male Reproductive System Functions  Produce and maintain sperm  Introduce sperm into the female reproductive tract to fertilize the female ovum  Secretes certain hormones necessary for the maintenance of secondary sexual characteristics in the male

7 Penis  Erectile tissue covered with skin  Contains:  urethra for urination  ducts for secretion of seminal fluid (semen)  semen  mixture of the secretions of the testes, seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulbourethral glands  Discharged from the male urethra during orgasm

8 Penis  glans penis  bulging structure at the distal end of the penis  prepuce  foreskin; loose casing covering the glans penis  removed by circumcision (continued)

9 Scrotum  A bag; skin-covered pouch in the groin that is divided into two sacs, each containing a testis and epididymis  testis (testicle)  one of two male reproductive glands  located in the scrotum  produces sperm and the male hormone testosterone

10 Scrotum  sperm  male gamete or sex cell produced in the testes  unites with the ovum in the female to produce offspring  epididymis — coiled duct on top and at the side of the testis that stores sperm before emission  vas deferens  duct that caries sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct (continued)

11 Scrotum  seminal vesicle  one of two sacs connected to the vas deferens  secretes an alkaline substance into the semen to enable the sperm to live longer  ejaculatory duct  duct formed by the union of the vas deferens with the duct of the seminal vesicle  its fluid is carried into the urethra (continued)

12 Testes and Appendages

13 Cryptorchism

14 Prostate  Trilobular gland that encircles the urethra  Located just below the bladder  Secretes an alkaline fluid into the semen

15 Normal Prostate

16 Hypertrophic Prostate

17 Vasectomy

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