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Whoa- That guy’s a communist!

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1 Whoa- That guy’s a communist!
The Red Scare Whoa- That guy’s a communist!

2 The American Communist Party:
Founded in the 1920s. Why? Because during the great depression, many people felt that communism offered an alternative to capitalism.

3 1947- The Hollywood 10 and the Blacklist
Began around the time of the great depression, which also was at the time of WW2. It was at its greatest height from Why was the list created? There was such a thing called, the American communist party. Some members of Hollywood were open communist sympathizers. The American government then began to probe into whether the communist were imbedding communist propaganda into films and radio.

4 Famous Early Testifiers
Walt Disney and Ronald Regan

5 Why a Black List? Hollywood blacklist came to be after the first 10 actors accused refused to name any names or cooperate with the house committee of un-American activities. They were fired from all acting jobs and removed from the actor’s guild. This prompted the 40 major movie houses to create a statement banning them from work. This was called “the Waldorf statement,” because the meeting took place in The Waldorf Astoria hotel.

6 What it said… "Members of the Association of Motion Picture Producers deplore the action of the 10 Hollywood men who have been cited for contempt by the House of Representatives. We do not desire to prejudge their legal rights, but their actions have been a disservice to their employers and have impaired their usefulness to the industry. We will forthwith discharge or suspend without compensation those in our employ, and we will not re-employ any of the 10 until such time as he is acquitted or has purged himself of contempt and declares under oath that he is not a Communist. On the broader issue of alleged subversive and disloyal elements in Hollywood, our members are likewise prepared to take positive action. We will not knowingly employ a Communist or a member of any party trying to overthrow the government.

7 Who was in on it? The companies in this statement included: Fox
Metro Goldwyn Mayer Columbia Paramount Warner Brothers Universal

8 The Red Channel Pamphlet
1950- Red Channels was published. This pamphlet attacked the broadcasting industry and named 151 people. Most of these named were then barred from the industry.

9 The Un-American Activity Committee
Un-American Activities committee first came to be in the late 1930’s, which targeted possible citizens with Nazi ties. It was only when McCarthy was a senator that the committee took on the role of the witch hunters they were known for. They later changed their name to House of Internal Activity, until was disbanded in 1975.

10 Show us your papers… In an effort to try and protect the United States from communist action, an alien registration act, or the smith act, which stated that any activity or affiliation with activity about over throwing the government would be detained. Hundreds were arrested. By 1957, 140 leaders and members of the Communist Party had been charged under the law, of which 93 were convicted. Many later said they gave these testimonies under duress and were false.

11 Brainwashing McCarthyism also believed that vaccination, fluoridated water and mental health services were a part of the communist ploy to brainwash America.

12 A slow decline… After the fever pitch, the decline began when the Supreme Court stepped in and began to see the McCarthy movement as more un-American that saving actually trying to save America. People were very close to not being allowed to plead the fifth, our constitutional law. BUT: Many of the massive security procedures and regulations that were created in the McCarthy era still exist today. Patriot Act Treason Proceedings

13 In conclusion… It has been revealed that there was a substantial amount of spying being done by the Russians to the Americans, and the communist party was heavily funded by the Soviet Union. So in a sense, there was vindication for the McCarthy movement. But was it taken to an extreme? What do you think?

14 Julius & Ethel Rosenberg


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