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Transformation Initiative Dr. Donna Gollnick, Moderator NCATE Senior Vice President.

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Presentation on theme: "Transformation Initiative Dr. Donna Gollnick, Moderator NCATE Senior Vice President."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transformation Initiative Dr. Donna Gollnick, Moderator NCATE Senior Vice President

2 T eacher E ducation A lliance

3 A Collaborative Project Springfield Missouri Public School District and Local Teacher Preparation Programs


5 Opening Remarks What is the need? Dr. Peggy Riggs, Deputy Superintendent Springfield Public Schools, Springfield, Missouri

6 The Partnership How did the Teacher Education Alliance develop? Dr. Dennis Kear, Dean Missouri State University College of Education

7 Teacher Education Alliance How will TEA make a difference?

8 Drury University Dr. Chris Craig, Director School of Education and Child Development

9 Drury University 1,555 undergraduate students 3,545 undergraduate, evening, & graduate 305 elementary education 70 secondary Education majors 406 Graduate education majors Church affiliated, Independent University 5, 474 students 10 campuses Candidates 305 elementary 70 secondary 406 graduate 79 initial program completers

10 Evangel University Dr. Colleen Hardy, Department Chair

11 Evangel University Private, church affiliated Over 100 academic programs 1850 graduate and undergraduate students 49 states and 20 countries represented 350 education majors Private, Liberal Arts Christian University 1,850 students Students represent 49 states; 20 countries 23 certification programs 68 initial program completers

12 Missouri State University W Roy Roworth, Coordinator Missouri State University Literacy Center

13 Missouri State University State University 21,688 students Main campus plus 3 branch campuses 41 certification programs Initial and advanced 470 initial program completers

14 Baptist Bible College Dr. Cheryl Page, Department Chair Baptist Bible College Elementary Education

15 Baptist Bible College Private, Faith-based college 2 education programs 18 program completers

16 How does the Teaching Academy support the TEA? Dr. David Brown, Associate Dean Missouri State University College of Education

17 How has the Teacher Academy made a difference? First Year Teachers Natasha Adams, Westport Elementary and Jennifer Jackson, Mark Twain Elementary

18 Project Evaluation and Expansion Dr. Dennis Kear, Dean Missouri State University College of Education “Teaching is more than a job — it's a calling.”

19 Questions Dr. Bill Agnew, Assistant Dean Missouri State University Dr. Donna Gollnick, Moderator NCATE, Senior Vice President

20 Contact Information Drury University Dr. Chris Craig ( ) Evangel University Dr. Colleen Hardy ( ) Missouri State University Dr. Dennis Kear ( ) Dr. Bill Agnew ( )

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