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Monday January 25, 2010   On this day in 1848, gold was discovered in California at Sutter's Mill by John Marshall. This discovery led to a “Gold Rush”

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Presentation on theme: "Monday January 25, 2010   On this day in 1848, gold was discovered in California at Sutter's Mill by John Marshall. This discovery led to a “Gold Rush”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday January 25, 2010   On this day in 1848, gold was discovered in California at Sutter's Mill by John Marshall. This discovery led to a “Gold Rush” with many people moving to the west coast in search of wealth. Would you have liked to have been an early miner? Why or why not? What do you think life was like for these men? Where would you like to go to seek your personal fortune one day? How will you gain it?

2 Tuesday January 26, 2010  World War I was started by a system of secret and tangled alliances. When can having allies be a good thing? When can it be a negative thing? Is it important to stand up for friends? When can this be considered harmful?

3 Wednesday January 27, 2010   This week in 1919, baseball great Jackie Robinson was born. What do you think it takes to be a great athlete? What characteristics and qualities does it takes for someone to reach a level of greatness in a sport? What do talented athletes miss out on when they focus their attention strictly on their skills?

4 Thursday January 28, 2010   On February 1, 1790, the first meeting of the U.S. Supreme Court was held. What type of person do you think it takes to be a member of the Supreme Court? What type of qualities should they have? Be sure to explain your thinking.

5 Friday January 29, 2010   Next week, Super Bowl XLIV will take place. As you probably noticed, Roman Numerals are used to name each Super Bowl. Why is this ancient numbering system both effective and still used today? What are some other codes or symbols that you feel are useful and important? Think about symbols you see every day. What use do they serve?

6 Monday February 1, 2010   On February 8, 1910, the Boy Scouts organization was founded. Clubs and organizations are a great way to learn important skills. What types of clubs and/or organizations do you belong to? What are some of the skills that you have learned? If you don’t belong to one, which club would you like to join? What type of clubs or organizations would you like to see added at Heights High?

7 Tuesday February 2, 2010  What are some recent inventions that you use and enjoy? In your life, what are some improvements to existing inventions that you have seen?  This month is marked by “National Inventors’ Day” in honor of Thomas Edison who was born in 1847. What do you believe is the best invention ever created and why? What are some recent inventions that you use and enjoy? In your life, what are some improvements to existing inventions that you have seen?

8 Wednesday February 3, 2010  Today we will discuss how technology changed the style and increased the devastation of warfare during WWI. Describe some improvements to technology that you have seen in your life. Predict what elements of life (objects, jobs, comforts, etc.) will improve with technology in the near future. This could include transportation, electronics, music, etc.

9 Thursday February 4, 2009   Over the past several years, think about the natural disasters that have taken place in your area, in your state, in your country, and around the world. What do you think have been the worst natural disasters and why? How are the best and worst of people shown during difficult times?   Hand in notebooks

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