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A Brief of Learning how to combine integers properly is a fundamental skill that must be mastered before any higher level mathematics is attempted.

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2 A Brief of

3 Learning how to combine integers properly is a fundamental skill that must be mastered before any higher level mathematics is attempted.

4 There are three aspects of Combining Integers that must be understood.

5 First: Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Do you know where our number system was invented?

6 Rene Descarte was a French mathematician. He traveled to India over 500 years ago and discovered the Hindu-Arabic numerals: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0


8 MCMLXXXVIII = These new symbols completely replaced the current system being used in Europe at the time: Roman Numerals 1988 XXXVIII * VI = CCXXVIII 38 * 6 = 228 Compare the number systems:

9 Second: Operations + - X - add subtract multiply divided

10 These operations are obviously mastered by High School, so there is no need for any explanation

11 Third: Signs + - Negative Positive

12 +5 could represent…. 5 people 5 dollars Positive signs (+) 5 members of the popular kids band “N- Sink”

13 A negative number represents a deficiency relative to a some zero point. Negative signs (-) So, -5 could represent… 5 floors below ground in a skyscraper

14 5 degree below zero You could owe someone 5 dollars

15 Now that the basics are review, we can begin with the actual process of combining integers. This process is divided into 2 sections Addition and subtraction Multiplication and Division

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