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THE FORMAL REPORT THE FORMAL REPORT. Definition and Purpose Definition: reports formatted in a professional way to emphasize its importance or recommendations.

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Presentation on theme: "THE FORMAL REPORT THE FORMAL REPORT. Definition and Purpose Definition: reports formatted in a professional way to emphasize its importance or recommendations."— Presentation transcript:


2 Definition and Purpose Definition: reports formatted in a professional way to emphasize its importance or recommendations or research results. formal presentation is key

3 Traditional or Administrative Organization Traditional is chronological: title page, table of contents, list of illustrations, summary or abstract, introduction, discussion (body), conclusion, recommendations, appendices, references Administrative focuses on audience needs: title page, table of contents, list of illustrations, summary or abstract, introduction, conclusion, recommendations, discussion, appendices, references

4 Front Matter Letter of transmittal, title page, table of contents, list of illustrations, summary or abstract: all material preceding introduction Lower case Roman numerals used for page numbers (iii) Place page number at either bottom of page, center or right

5 Title Page Title should be clear and accurate reflection of report topic. Below the title, place identifying information: author’s name and job title, audience’s name, date

6 Title Page Example PROPOSAL FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A SPOUSAL EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM By Henrietta Hasselblad, Director of Human Resources Prepared for Dr. Nelson, Vice-President of Administrative Affairs

7 Table of Contents(TOC) Lists report sections and their page numbers Shows report organization Includes all major headings from report, headings appearing in same format as in the report List no more than three levels of headings List only starting page number; do not use “page” or “p” Connect heading to page number with row of dots (leaders)

8 TOC Example Summary………………………………………...iii Introduction………………………………….1 Conclusion……………………………………...2 Recommendation…………………..........3 Discussion…………………………..............4 Nature of the Problem……………….5 Description of the Program……….6 Costs vs. Benefits………………………..7 Implementation……………………...........8 References………………………………………9 Appendices………………………………………A i

9 List of Illustrations List both tables and figures, figures first. If have only one type, change name to list of tables or list of figures Use same label from the graphic: figure/table #. Title or caption Place on page following TOC. Areas of emphasis draw the eye

10 List of Illustrations Example Figure 1. Implementation Schedule….8 Table 1. Program Features...……………….5 Table 2. Cost/Benefit Analysis...……….7 ii

11 Outline of Main Report (Informative) Sections I.Introduction A. Definition, Description, Background B. Audience/Purpose C. Method of Inquiry D. Working definitions (1-4) E. Scope

12 Outline of Main Report Sections II. Collected Data A. First main point (ex. History of problem) B. Findings and Interpretation C. Second main point, etc. III. Conclusion A. Overall interpretation of findings B. Recommendations

13 Outline of Proposal Sections I.Introduction A. Statement of problem and objective B. Background C. Need and benefits D. Qualifications of Personnel E. Data Source, Limitations, Contingencies F. Scope

14 Outline of Proposal Sections 2 II. Body A. Methods B. Timetable C. Materials and equipment D. Personnel E. Available and needed facilities F. Budget G. Expected Results H. Feasibility

15 Outline of Proposal 3 III. Conclusion A. Summary of key points B. Request for action

16 Outline of Proposal 4 IV. Appendix/Appendices A.Credentials of team members B.Testimonials from satisfied clients C.Other information too bulky or esoteric for the text of the proposal

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