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What can Western SARE do to address the challenges noted in this conference?

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2 What can Western SARE do to address the challenges noted in this conference?

3 Above all else, SARE ensures a more sustainable agriculture system by awarding competitive grants…


5 DO read the Call for Proposals… Refer to this conference by NAME and how your project can meet this conference’s strategic CHALLENGES in your proposals.

6 COUCH your proposals within the major challenges that came from this conference. Use an interdisciplinary “systems” research/education group, if at all possible, in creative ways.

7 DO show how the ultimate impacts of your project can be measured, such as: $$-saved per acre or per farm… BTUs of ENERGY saved… Pounds of pesticide/acre that were not applied… Number of farms/ranches where practices changed…

8 DO create R&E educational proposals or PDP training proposals that utilize information from previously- funded SARE projects. REMEMBER: This is not REQUIRED but very WISE thing to do…

9 DO create understandable hypotheses to test and measure in Western SARE research proposals… DO involve farmers/ranchers in the research/education team, in a real way, as the project is developed…

10 DO NOT call yourself a farmer/rancher if you do not clearly meet the definition that is in the Call. Many projects that should be P+P are submitted as a FRG. DO read the Call for Proposals…

11 DO find creative ways to develop: Research hypotheses that relate to this or other SARE conferences… Education projects where the impacts can be measured.

12 Above all else, SARE ensures a more sustainable agriculture system by awarding competitive grants…

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