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US Warm Up-Friday Why would stronger nations want to control weaker nations. What is there to gain, what could they possibly want?

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Presentation on theme: "US Warm Up-Friday Why would stronger nations want to control weaker nations. What is there to gain, what could they possibly want?"— Presentation transcript:

1 US Warm Up-Friday Why would stronger nations want to control weaker nations. What is there to gain, what could they possibly want?

2 CH 10

3 Puerto Rico Why do you think the U.S. was after Puerto Rico? Coffee, tobacco and sugar more trade!

4 Puerto Rico – review! How did the U.S. gain control of Puerto Rico? The Spanish-American War (1898)

5 Puerto Rico Foraker Act (1900): American policy in Puerto Rico civilian government was set up, but still a U.S. possession 1952 – separate constitution for the country, but still a commonwealth of the US

6 Cuba Why did the U.S. want to control Cuba? sugar industry more trade!

7 Cuba – review! How did the U.S. gain control of Cuba? the Spanish-American War (Treaty of Paris, 1898)

8 Cuba 1902: Cuba became independent but remained a U.S. protectorate Platt Amendment: American policy for Cuba a. U.S. had the right to intervene in Cuban affairs to protect American business interests b. forced Cuba to lease harbors to U.S. Navy

9 Cuba no longer a U.S protectorate BUT, Guantanamo Bay is still a U.S. Naval Base

10 Philippines – review! How did the U.S. get involved in the Philippines? the Spanish-American War (1898) Filipinos were fighting for independence

11 Philippines – preview! Why might the U.S. want to keep control over the Philippine Islands? HINT: location, location, location! they’re close to Asia (more trade!) and they can be used for naval bases

12 Philippines Philippine-American War Feb. 1899: Emilio Aguinaldo began a rebellion against the U.S. that lasted 3 years U.S. used guerilla warfare, concentration camps, torture In 1902 Aguinaldo was captured and the war ended

13 Philippines U.S. set up government similar to Puerto Rico 1946: Filipinos achieved independence

14 China – preview! Why do you think the U.S. wanted to spread their influence into China? more trade!


16 China foreign nations controlled areas of China – this was known as “spheres of influence”


18 China U.S. Secretary of State John Hay proposed an Open Door policy all nations should have equal trading rights in China

19 China 1900 – Boxer Rebellion: Chinese patriots demanded that all foreigners leave China ended when foreign powers sent additional forces


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