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Learning Commons: Learning Commons: A Whole School Approach to Learning for the Future Carol Koechlin Thunder Bay CDSB October 18, 2010

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Commons: Learning Commons: A Whole School Approach to Learning for the Future Carol Koechlin Thunder Bay CDSB October 18, 2010"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Commons: Learning Commons: A Whole School Approach to Learning for the Future Carol Koechlin Thunder Bay CDSB October 18, 2010

2 Why do school libraries and programs need to change? Global realities and challenges Learners today need re- engagement Shifts in education School Improvement 2Carol Koechlin 2010

3 What are the forces driving change in education? Carol Koechlin 20103 Patrick Corrrigan Sept.7 Toronto Star

4 Carol Koechlin 20104 Hamilton Spectator

5 What is Your Current Agenda ? School Improvement What is Your Current Agenda ? Carol Koechlin 20105 Goals that have impact on the quality of teaching and learning Initiatives that could be affected by rich information and technology environments Share plans on our spreadsheet

6 6Carol Koechlin 2010

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9 What should replace these images? Think and Share at your tables. 9Carol Koechlin 2010

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11 Carol Koechlin 201011

12 Carol Koechlin 201012

13 “ “It simply isn’t the 20th Century any more is it? So why would we teach as though it was?” Steven Heppell 2009 13Carol Koechlin 2010

14 What is the Alternative to Change? Everything is on the Internet and it’s FREE! Kids can just ‘Google’ it. E-Books will replace print One-one computers Outsourcing is cheaper Are school libraries “the great assumption”? How do school libraries move to the centre of teaching and learning? How do school libraries contribute to student success and school improvement? 14Carol Koechlin 2010

15 Curriculum 21:Essential education for a changing world “Rather than being victimized by our program structures, we should be creating new types of learning environments for a new time and for various types of teaching and learning. Not to do so is a declaration not to learn.”, Page 79 15Carol Koechlin 2010

16 A Vision for the 21 st Century Carol Koechlin 201016

17 PLCOther Commons 17Carol Koechlin 2010 Creative Spaces

18 Your Turn Draw a sketch of your present library facility. You have 5 minutes 18Carol Koechlin 2010

19 The Third Teacher 79 Ways You Can Use Design to Transform Teaching & Learning 17. Form follows function It seems obvious but is often forgotten: Teaching and Learning should shape the building, not vice versa. Carol Koechlin 201019

20 Learning to Learn Spaces 20Carol Koechlin 2010

21 Features of the Physical Commons Flexibility (furniture and schedule) Wireless Networking places and spaces Productivity spaces and tools Comfortable and stimulating Books and resources kids want and need Books and computers don’t get in the way 21Carol Koechlin 2010

22 Features of the Physical Commons Equitable access Celebration of learning Exemplary learning experiences – relevant and real world Individual, small groups, large group A Cultural center – Listening Lunches Centre for Professional Learning Teams 22Carol Koechlin 2010

23 Time for 180° Thinking InfoSmarts Koechlin & Zwaan 2010 Apply this criteria to your original sketch and reinvent your physical library spaces. Share with a small group and keep on reinventing! 23 Carol Koechlin 2010

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27 Building Collaborative Knowledge Library Web Page is a one way street. Virtual Learning Commons is a many way street Carol Koechlin 201027

28 Virtual Learning Commons Features Collaborative Web 2.0 learning projects Resource center built by everyone Virtual book clubs/discussions Assignment conversations: teacher/teacher librarian/learners and other specialists Communication central -24/7/365 Virtual year book/museum 28Carol Koechlin 2010

29 The Experimental Learning Center All professional development; the center of school improvement Experimentation with instruction; technology Center of risk taking Action research Carol Koechlin 201029

30 Staff Getting Better and Better Together The We We Solution When teachers within a school collaborate, they begin to think not just about “my classroom’ but also about “our school.” Six Secrets of Change Michael Fullan (2008) Evidence Based Practice - page 36 Professional Learning Communities - page 37 Personal Learning Networks – page 37 30Carol Koechlin 2010

31 Break Time 31Carol Koechlin 2010

32 Portable Computer Lab Carol Koechlin 201032

33 What will it Cost? 33Carol Koechlin 2010

34 …back to the Third Teacher Dream Big and be Brave The rate of technological advancement is increasing exponentially. When designing schools, don’t let today’s reality limit tomorrow’s possibilities. Carol Koechlin 201034

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