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Presentation on theme: "HISTORY LESSON BY THE AWESOMES!"— Presentation transcript:

Vanessa ! Wenn Er ! Rachel ! HISTORY LESSON BY THE AWESOMES! Treatment of the Jews

2 Lesson Plan Introduction to the reasons why the Hitler wanted the Jews gone Comparison between the treatment of Jews in both Netherlands and Poland Watching of a video of a Holocaust survivor Viewing of a photo montage of the conditions the Jews lived in (Time permitting) Question and Answer session

3 Lesson Objectives Gain a better understanding as to why Hitler targeted the Jews Comparison between the treatment of Jews in Poland (Eastern Europe) and the treatment of Jews in Netherlands (Western Europe)

4 This cartoon’s main focus is on how Hitler wanted the Jews gone.

5 Hitler’s Objectives! Although Anti- Semitism was strictly enforced by
Hitler, he was not by any means the first.

6 Why did Hitler want them gone?
He claimed they were guilty for the death of Christ In the eyes of the Nazis, the Jews were unworthy of life Jews were stereotyped as communists Additional Note: Hilter had the same mentality towards the both mentally and physically disabled Aryans in Germany and had them injected with poison

7 This cartoon shows what names the Jews were called
by religious leaders. Hitler used these as excuses to eradicate Europe of Jews.

8 A political cartoon drawn by Theodor Seuss Geisel on 22 September 1941 showing that Jews were generally discriminated against, even in America (as can be seen as the bird was wearing an American flag hat).

9 Comparison– A table (differences)
Treatment of Jews in Netherlands (Western Europe) Treatment of Jews in Poland (Eastern Europe) The Dutch Jews begun to be deported in July, 1942 The Polish Jews in Germany were expelled in October, 1938 and Poland was invaded by Germany in 1939 Anti- Semitism measures put in place in February ,1941 Anti-Semitism measures put in place as early as September 1933 From this, it could be said that Hitler was harsher towards the Polish Jews as they were put under terrible conditions for a period of almost four more years than the Dutch Jews.

10 Dutch Jews favoured? The Polish Jews were expelled from their country first, nearly four years before the Dutch Jews were deported. 1938, October Nearly 18,000 Polish Jews were expelled from Germany 1939, September 1- German invasion of Poland 1942, July - Start of deportations of Dutch - French Jews to Auschwitz


12 Comparison–Similarities
Both Jews had to endure the same conditions and policies issued by Hilter Both Dutch and Polish Jews were part of the “final solution” to kill ALL Jews in Europe.

13 Hitler’s Limitations 1933: 1934: 1935:
Nazis issue a decree defining a non-Aryan Jews not allowed to own land or to be newspaper editors. 1934: Jews not allowed national health insurance and getting legal qualifications. 1935: Jews banned from serving in the military. Jewish performers forced to join Jewish Cultural Unions. More and more "No Jews“ signs and banners were placed in many public places such as outside restaurants and shops.


15 Hitler’s Limitations 1937: 1938:
Jews are banned from many professions such as being accountants or dentists. They are also denied tax reductions and child allowances. 1938: Jews forced to register wealth, property and businesses (if any) Jews banned from trading and providing a large number of commercial services. Jewish doctors prohibited by law from practising. Jewish women required to add “Sarah” and men to add “Israel” to their names on all legal documents. Passports stamped with large letter “J”.

16 Hitler’s Limitations 1938: 1941:
Jewish children expelled from public schools, forced to attend Jewish schools Restrictions on place of residence enforced Compulsory “Ayranization” of Jewish firms and businesses 1941: All Jews had to wear the Star of David

17 Credits Books: Pages 6 and 21, Bresheeth, S.; Hood S. and Jansz L. (1994), Introducing the holocaust, United States, Totem Books Wistrich R. S. (2001), Hitler and the Holocaust, United States, Modern Library Compiled by Rabbi Neuberger J. (1985), The world of Anne Frank, Netherlands, Mcmillan Children’s Books A. Resnick (1991),The Holocaust, Pages 62 and 101, R. H. Minear (1999), Dr. Suess goes to war, United States, The New Press Author (Year of Publication), Title of Book (In Italics), Country of publication: Publisher. Page numbers.

18 Credits (Continued) Internet:
Chronology: Nazi persecution of Jews, : ach%3Btopic%3D960.0%3Battach%3D4210+distinction+be tween+polish+jews+and+dutch+jews&cd=3&hl=en&ct=cln k (accessed 12 April 2009) A complete and detailed definition of the Holocaust: (accessed 13 April 2009)

19 QUESTION & ANSWER!!!!! You know you wanna ASK

20 Thank you for your kind attention!

21 Video + Photo Montage Video link:
SURIVIVOR TESTMINONY FOR ZANNE FARBSTEIN: &feature=channel Concentration Camp: &feature=PlayList&p=F661D8F7702BC98B&ind ex=4

22 Comments: Very informative about the treatment of Jews in general. Good use of propaganda posters and pictures. However, the comparison is not effective, as there is insufficient info on treatment of Dutch and Polish Jews to back up your comparison.


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