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[Idea Title] [Name of EERE program/office] FY11 Idea Summit [DATE]

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Presentation on theme: "[Idea Title] [Name of EERE program/office] FY11 Idea Summit [DATE]"— Presentation transcript:

1 [Idea Title] [Name of EERE program/office] FY11 Idea Summit [DATE]

2 EERE FY12 Idea Summit2 Key Elements of this idea Use this slide to outline the idea. Things you might address: Who does it affect and how? What market barriers is it designed to address? What type of effort is it? (R&D, Grants, Market Transformation, etc.)

3 EERE FY12 Idea Summit3 Goals of this Effort Explain what DOE would accomplish. Things you might address: How does this idea relate to DOE’s goals? How would success be measured? How does this idea relate to the Assistant Secretary’s “Planks” for EERE? Would this have synergy with other programs?

4 EERE FY12 Idea Summit4 Federal Role Outline DOE’s role in this effort. Things you might address: What would DOE staff be charged with doing? Would it require hiring new staff or obtaining new skills? Would labs/contractors be used?

5 EERE FY12 Idea Summit5 Proposed Timing and Cost Provide details that the analysis team will need to evaluate this idea. Things you might address: How much funding will this require over which fiscal years? Is there any matching-funds component? Does the proposed funding for this come from a particular existing budget line item? Is there a clear end-point for this effort?

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