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Memory & Storage Architecture Seoul National University PuTTY Usage Hyeon-gyu School of Computer Science and Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Memory & Storage Architecture Seoul National University PuTTY Usage Hyeon-gyu School of Computer Science and Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Memory & Storage Architecture Lab. @ Seoul National University PuTTY Usage Hyeon-gyu Lee( School of Computer Science and Engineering Seoul National University

2 Memory & Storage Architecture Lab. @ Seoul National University PuTTY  Tool for remote connection  Usually we connect with the protocol SSH  Remotely connect to the server computer  Our server computer  Host Name (or IP address)  Port 22  Connection type SSH 2

3 Memory & Storage Architecture Lab. @ Seoul National University PuTTY Configurations  Encoding configuration  Translation tab UTF-8 is recommended for your Korean texts 3

4 Memory & Storage Architecture Lab. @ Seoul National University PuTTY Configurations  Appearance configuration  Apperance tab Can change fonts, size of characters Can change unicode fonts and size of characters separately 4

5 Memory & Storage Architecture Lab. @ Seoul National University PuTTY Configurations  Session save/load/delete  Can save your own settings in the Session tab Can make your own session and save/load/delete it With your own name 5

6 Memory & Storage Architecture Lab. @ Seoul National University Execution  Execution  Press the “Open” button 6

7 Memory & Storage Architecture Lab. @ Seoul National University Execution  Normal start picture  Input your account information 7

8 Memory & Storage Architecture Lab. @ Seoul National University Account Information  Your ids start with the letters “ccp”  Followed by your last 3 numbers in your student id. (example) 2015-10000 -> ccp000 (example) 2015-19998 -> ccp998  Except 4 people Who are individually notified because of security issues  Your initial passwords are your student id except the “-”  (example) 2015-10000 -> 201510000  PLEASE CHANGE YOUR PASSWORDS WHEN YOU INITIALLY LOGGED IN.  With the instruction passwd 8

9 Memory & Storage Architecture Lab. @ Seoul National University Login Success  Picture when you logged in successfully 9

10 Memory & Storage Architecture Lab. @ Seoul National University CHANGE YOUR PASSWORDS  With the instruction passwd  Can set your own password for your account. 10

11 Memory & Storage Architecture Lab. @ Seoul National University When Your OS Is Mac  Terminal instead of the PuTTY  Application > Utilities > Terminal  Remote connect by this instruction  ssh  Then input your initial password  When you’re connected, then change your password to your own one. 11

12 Memory & Storage Architecture Lab. @ Seoul National University Now You Are Ready  To use homework server  If you have questions, contact us.  Good luck! 12

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