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Process Documentation Template Template Instructions and Guide.

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Presentation on theme: "Process Documentation Template Template Instructions and Guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Process Documentation Template Template Instructions and Guide

2 ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARD TM 2 Overview of Process Documentation Template Instructions #Description 1.This template will be used to communicate Process documentation process to the entire HR organization. 2.Ensure that you have SnagIT 12 installed, which will be used for screen captures. 3. Recommended steps for documenting processes. Write out the detailed steps for your processes using the tables on the following slides. Be very detailed in you processes. This is intended for a user to pick up this document and use it as a step-by-step guide. Delete any text in red as you complete the task. 4. After you have detailed the steps, use Snagit to video record your steps and capture screenshots for each step as necessary, or use Snagit to capture the screenshots. 5. Using Snagit. For consistency, please use the red arrows and red boxes for outlines. After you completed your screen shot and annotations, click “Copy all” and paste into the PowerPoint. When needed, use the Step feature (1,2,3) to indicate steps on the screen shots. 6. After all the steps are documented and screenshots are inserted. Go back to the steps and number them based on their order. For the pictures, make sure you select the format listed below.

3 ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARD TM 3 Overview of Process Documentation Template Instructions #Description 1. To Create Hyperlinks. Highlight and right-click on the text you will be trying to hyperlink. Choose the Hyperlink Function. You can either hyperlink to a web address or location. 2.For the Table of contents, click on “Place in This Document” and select the slide you are hyperlinking to.

4 Role Title (Update) Description of Process (Update)

5 ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARD TM 5 Table of Contents Ref Code.Table of Contents HR.XX.XX.XXTitle of the slides, Insert Hyperlinks to link to slides

6 ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARD TM 6 Region Name – _______Process Roles involved in the Process RolesResponsibility Role Title 1Description of Responsibility Role Title 2Description of Responsibility Role Title 3Description of Responsibility Systems Used SystemLink/Description System 1Hyperlink Address System 2Hyperlink Address System 3Hyperlink Address External Forms/Policy/Documents DocumentsDocument Location Policy Associated with ProcessDocument Location Document Associated with ProcessDocument Location Governance DocumentLink/Description RASCIHyperlink Address Process Flow MapHyperlink Address Decision Rights MatrixHyperlink Address Did you know? Click on the Highlighted text, and it will hyperlink you to the website or template needed for the process. This slide is used to detail the documents, systems, roles and external policy documents that are associated with the process.

7 ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARD TM 7 Region - ______ Process Overview Key Activities for _______ (Primary Owner) #RoleActivity 1. Role Title (Incumbents Name) Activity Description 2. Role Title (Incumbents Name) Activity Description 3. Role Title (Incumbents Name) Activity Description 4. Role Title (Incumbents Name) Activity Description 5. Role Title (Incumbents Name) Activity Description 6. Role Title (Incumbents Name) Activity Description 7. Role Title (Incumbents Name) Activity Description 8. Role Title (Incumbents Name) Activity Description Impact Statement 1)Background of the Process, why is it important? 2)How does it get initiated? 3)Who is involved? 4)What is the end result? 5)Are there risks and organizational impacts if the process is not complete? Last reviewed as of August 27, 2014 For the Key Activities Roles and Incumbent Names are listed in the Role Column Incumbents Names are ONLY listed in the Role Column for Key Activities, for all others, only the Role Title should be used Key Activities should be able to be summarized in 10 steps or less, Detailed Activities are described in the following slides

8 ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARD TM 8 Region Name – _______Process Roles involved in the Process RolesResponsibility Role Title 1Description of Responsibility Role Title 2Description of Responsibility Role Title 3Description of Responsibility Systems Used SystemLink/Description System 1Hyperlink Address System 2Hyperlink Address System 3Hyperlink Address External Forms/Policy/Documents DocumentsDocument Location Policy Associated with ProcessDocument Location Document Associated with ProcessDocument Location Governance DocumentLink/Description RASCIHyperlink Address Process Flow MapHyperlink Address Decision Rights MatrixHyperlink Address Did you know? Click on the Highlighted text, and it will hyperlink you to the website or template needed for the process. This slide is used to detail the documents, systems, roles and external policy documents that are associated with the process. For the RASCI/Process Flow Map/Decision Rights Matrix, those fields can be left blank for now.

9 ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARD TM 9 Additional Templates/Supporting Documents DocumentsLink/Description E-mail TemplateHyperlink Address Invoice ExampleHyperlink Address Region Name – Detailed Process (EXAMPLE) Detailed Activities #Description 1. Include as many additional slides as necessary to describe the detailed processes and remember to hyperlink them in the table of contents 2. At the end of the detailed processes, detail any additional templates or supporting documents that are necessary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Call Out – Text will Shrink as more content is added Icons to use with Screenshots

10 ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARD TM 10 Region Name – Detailed Process (EXAMPLE) Detailed Activities #Description 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. #Description 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

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