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Mesoamerica Olmecs Teotihuacans Zapotecs MEXICAS.

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Presentation on theme: "Mesoamerica Olmecs Teotihuacans Zapotecs MEXICAS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mesoamerica Olmecs Teotihuacans Zapotecs MEXICAS

2 Mesoamerica

3 Mesoamerican Time Line

4 Olmecs

5 La Venta

6 Olmecs Heads


8 Teotihuacan

9 Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun

10 Teotihuacan Avenue of the Dead

11 Monte Albán

12 Tula-Atlantes

13 Atlantes

14 Chicomoztoc

15 Chicomoztoc siete grupos nahuas

16 Aztlan




20 Aztec Migration from Aztlan

21 Aztlan migration Codex Boturini

22 Migration

23 Chapultepec Codex Boturini

24 Migration Codex Boturini

25 Aztcapotzalco Codex Boturini

26 Aztcapotzalco Códice Boturini

27 The Promise Land: Tenochtitlan

28 Valley of México

29 Tenochtitlan Codex Mendoza

30 Mexico National Coat of Arms

31 Tenochtitlan


33 Aztec Empire, Triple Alliance: Tenochtitlan, Texcoco y Tlacopan

34 Cosmic tree


36 Cycles of agricultural production

37 Four eras 1)Tezcatilipoca, 2)Quetzalcóatl, 3)Tlaloc y 4) Chachitlicue

38 Fifth era Huitzilopochtli

39 Nahua Calendar

40 Piedra de Sol

41 Coyoxhauqui

42 Eagle Warrior

43 Mesoamérica en 1519

44 Omens. Motecuzoma II sends his servants to Cincalco

45 Nezahualpilli prevents Motecuzoma

46 First omen

47 Second omen

48 Motecuzoma flees to Cincalco

49 Some peculiar beings have come from heaven

50 Spaniards in San Juan de Ulúa

51 Cortés’ Route

52 Cortés’ route

53 Cortés’s route

54 Doña Marina/Malinche

55 Cortés y Motecuzoma

56 Smallpox

57 Killing in the Great Temple

58 Conquest of Mexico

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