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Giving, A Static Trait of God God is said to be “love” (I John 4: 8). Biblical love is essentially giving (John 3: 16). Therefore, “giving” is God’s nature,

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Presentation on theme: "Giving, A Static Trait of God God is said to be “love” (I John 4: 8). Biblical love is essentially giving (John 3: 16). Therefore, “giving” is God’s nature,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Giving, A Static Trait of God God is said to be “love” (I John 4: 8). Biblical love is essentially giving (John 3: 16). Therefore, “giving” is God’s nature, technically speaking, rather than just a trait. It is no surprise, then, to read throughout the Bible of God giving to and for man.

2 Giving, A Static Trait of God The Bible opens with God giving (Genesis 1: 1, 28, 29, 30).

3 Giving, A Static Trait of God God provides the means of satisfaction for man, in general and in particular (Eccl. 3: 13; 12: 13)

4 Giving, A Static Trait of God God gives man wisdom, knowledge, and joy (Eccl. 2: 26, Prov. 2: 1-6, cp. John 8: 32).

5 Giving, A Static Trait of God God provides travail for sinners (Eccl. 2: 26, cp. Prov. 13: 15, Heb. 12: 5-12).

6 Giving, A Static Trait of God God endowed man with spirit (Eccl. 12: 7, cp. Gen. 1: 26 and 2: 7).

7 Giving, A Static Trait of God God provides man’s daily bread (Matt. 6: 11, 33).

8 Giving, A Static Trait of God God wants to richly bless man (Matt. 7: 9-11).

9 Giving, A Static Trait of God God has given man assurance (Acts 17: 31).

10 Giving, A Static Trait of God God gave us His only begotten Son (Rom. 5: 6-8).

11 Giving, A Static Trait of God Jesus gave us himself as a sin offering (Gal. 1: 4, 2: 20, Tit. 2: 14, Heb. 9).

12 Giving, A Static Trait of God What are you giving to God? (2 Cor. 8: 2-5.)

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