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Pictures for my Story Me By: Mrs. Stoltz. Think with the End in Mind.

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Presentation on theme: "Pictures for my Story Me By: Mrs. Stoltz. Think with the End in Mind."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pictures for my Story Me By: Mrs. Stoltz

2 Think with the End in Mind.

3 Safari

4 technolab

5 Sources for Clipart and Photos

6 Choose Classroom Clipart

7 Choose Holiday Clipart

8 Choose your holiday

9 Choose your picture and tap and hold your finger on it. Tap on Save Image.

10 Turn and talk

11 Steps: Step 1: Choose Safari Step 2: Choose techolab Step 3: Choose Sources for Clipart and Photos Step 4: Choose Classroom Clipart Step 5: Choose Holiday Clipart Step 6: Choose your holiday Step 7: Choose your picture, tap and hold. Tap save image.

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