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MAN UP BIBLE SERIES Living a Life that Counts Lesson Seven.

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1 MAN UP BIBLE SERIES Living a Life that Counts Lesson Seven

2 The Real World In lesson six we looked at why we should attend Sunday worship at our local Corps. In this lesson I want to explore more deeply why we need to love our Corps. Going to worship to just go is not enough. We need something much deeper. We cannot just go through the motions week after week. We need to really look inside and see if we are giving our Corps the support that it needs. Ask yourself,” If everyone in this Corps was like me, What kind of Corps would it be?” The answer to this question may really surprise you and could either be a condemnation or commendation depending on your faithfulness to God’s Church…

3 The Real Word HEBREWS 10: 23 - 25 23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

4 Real Talk As a Man of God what are some ways that you can improve on in the following areas as they relate to your Corps? FAITHFUL ATTENDANCE – A wise man seeks wisdom. GIVING – Matt. 6:21 – Where is your heart? PRAYER – I Tim. 2:1-8 - SERVICE – Setting up chairs, Repairs, Cleaning up, Greeting visitors.

5 Real Steps A few things to consider: The Corps is Important – Headed by Christ (Eph.1:22), Christ’s Body ( 1:23), Shows the wisdom of God ( 3:10), Subject to Christ ( 5:24), Loved by Christ ( 5:25), Cares for the Church ( 5:29), Members of Christ’s Body (5:29) Privileges of Membership – Chosen (Eph. 1:4), Adopted (1:5), Forgiven ( 1:7), Given an inheritance ( 1:11), Sealed (1:13). Responsibilities of Membership – Worthy of Calling (Eph.4:1), Humble and Gentle (4:2), Giving Service (4:12), Become Mature ( 4:13), New Attitude ( 4:23), Holy (4:24),Truthful ( 4:25), Honest (4:28), Compassionate and Forgiving ( 4:32). “ You need to see the Corps as God sees it “

6 Time to Close I’ll go Where You Want Me to Go – Maybe I’ll go where you want me to go, Real service is what I desire. I’ll sing you a solo, Just don’t ask me to sing in the choir. I’ll do what you want me to do, I like to see things come to pass. Don’t ask me to teach boys and girls, I’d rather just stay in my class. I’ll do what you want me to do, I yearn for The Kingdom to thrive. I’ll give you my nickels and dimes, Please do not ask me to tithe. I’ll go where you want me to go, I’ll say what you want me to say. I’m busy just now with my stuff, I’ll help you some other day. What are you telling God today?

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