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Demonstrating the Value and Benefits of Career Development Services to Social and Economic Growth CDSWG Report: 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Demonstrating the Value and Benefits of Career Development Services to Social and Economic Growth CDSWG Report: 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Demonstrating the Value and Benefits of Career Development Services to Social and Economic Growth CDSWG Report: 2009

2 2 Outline Background and importance of the project How the framework was developed The Results: Model to demonstrate the Benefits of Career Development The CDS Theory of Change Model Future areas for research/study Impact on Career Development

3 3 Background and Importance Need to demonstrate the benefits of CDS; Priority issue for FLMM and the CDSWG Policy makers require evidence Literature points to need for evaluation An evaluation framework was necess ary

4 4 How was this framework developed? Review of relevant literature Jurisdictional review through interviews 2 day consultation with CDSWG members and invited CD experts Used a “contribution analysis” approach Drafted an evaluation framework “Theory of Change” for CDS

5 5 Results A model to Demonstrate the benefits for Career Development Servic es


7 Assumptions: better skilled and satisfied employees improve productivity Clients with enhanced CD knowledge, skills, attitudes and a work-life plan Clients get new or maintain/improve current employment Clients achieve steady work-life path employment more competitiveness and higher productivity reduced social costs Via referrals, partners provide complementary services/assistance Clients change practice and behaviour: take action Employers supporting workplace CD services Assumptions: client is engaged; CD services are available and effective; additional knowledge/skills acquired Risks: client drops out Assumptions: client is motivated enough to take action; CD support available Risks: peers or family not supportive Assumptions: target audience is reached; access to services is affordable Risks: only small % reached Provision of CD Services to targeted individuals Assumptions: client follows work-life plan; CD provider follows through Risks: work-life plan not realistic about opportunities; economic downturn; peers or family not supportive Assumptions: work-life plan is sustainable Assumptions: work-life stability results in less un- and under-employment, less worker turnover, maximum individual productivity, greater work force flexibility Assumptions: work-life stability results in better health, less risk behaviours Employers ’ businesses strengthened Assumptions: employers invest in planning with and enhancing their work force Risks: few employers engaged Assumptions: businesses with active CD efforts are more attractive to employees Assumptions: workplace CD interventions especially beneficial External Influences キ economic climate キ peers and family

8 8 Summary of the “Theory of Change” Through the provision of CDS Individuals develop a realistic work-life plan and acquire confidence and enhanced capabilities to manage their work- life plan, As a result of acting on that vision, are better able to gain, create and maintain employment consistent with their work- life plan, self-managing career transitions. The result is less work-related stress, a more competitive work force, with higher productivity and reduced social costs.

9 9 The Contribution Claim Therefore, It is reasonable to conclude that the intervention is making a difference—it is contributing to (influencing) the results desired Model provides a basis to start documenting the validity of the theory and identify evidence needed

10 10 Future research areas based on identified risks and need for more evidence 1. Intervention delivery 2. Intervention effectiveness 3. Longer-term effectiveness 4. Socio/economic research

11 11 Future steps Literature review on each of the 4 areas Likely areas to focus on  Short term effectiveness of CDS  longer term effectiveness Building practitioners’ monitoring & evaluation capacity Longitudinal studies of CDS clients

12 12 Impact on Career Development Demonstrating the value of CDS imperative in obtaining funding needed to continue and improve services in increasing fiscal pressures First step in acquiring common understanding on the value of CDS The model will help focus research on the key areas that lack evidence The process of structuring the model and validating the theory will take time, but will lead to a clear demonstration of the benefits of CDS

13 13 Contact Information Heather Collier Director Ph. 780-427-3975 Fax. 780-427-0354 Carol Forster Senior Policy Analyst Ph. 780-427-4741 Fax. 780-427-0354 Email. For full report and additional questions: Forum of Labour Market Ministers

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