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“Got Any Spare -- Change?” “Come gather 'round people -- Wherever you roam -- And admit that the waters -- Around you have grown -- And accept it that.

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Presentation on theme: "“Got Any Spare -- Change?” “Come gather 'round people -- Wherever you roam -- And admit that the waters -- Around you have grown -- And accept it that."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” “Come gather 'round people -- Wherever you roam -- And admit that the waters -- Around you have grown -- And accept it that soon -- You'll be drenched to the bone. -- If your time to you -- Is worth savin' -- Then you better start swimmin' -- Or you'll sink like a stone -- For the times they are a-changin'.”

2 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” This Won’t Help.

3 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” And, Neither Will This!

4 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” You can run, but you can’t hide.

5 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” Some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next. delicious ambiguity … -- Gilda Radner

6 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” Change Agent People who like things just the way they are. Tension Change in an Organization

7 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” Change in an Organization You Don’t Have to Convince Everyone Critical mass Change AgentRun that by me again?Intransigents Will always try to impede change

8 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” Reaching Critical Mass = Enthusiastic Participants

9 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” Managing Change Can be like herding cats

10 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” Managing Change Acceptance requires planning. Change = Loss Safety Security Relationships Competence Change causes emotional reactions worry, sadness, depression, anger, stress excitement, happiness, motivation, energy, optimism

11 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” Managing Change “Three C’s” Care for each other and listen to each other – make certain everyone understands the necessity for change Ask for input on how to implement change – give people Choices –Help people move through the learning curve so they feel Competent

12 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” Managing Change Change takes a lot a manager’s time and energy Paint a positive picture of the future Be an encourager – even when you need encouragement You are the coach You are the couch Find a peer to help keep you sane Keep your sense of humor Use your vacation time

13 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” How To Work Change into Your Life Start with small things Change your menu selection for lunch this week. Change where you go to eat this week. Move the furniture in your home Move the furniture at the library Get excited about the possibilities, whatever they may be Try on spontaneity

14 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” Why Libraries Need to Change Strategic to do so – no more buns and sensible shoes Technological advances force change – duh. Customer pressures – they always want more Competitive pressures – everyone’s in the information business

15 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” OCLC “Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources – 2005”

16 “Got Any Spare -- Change?”

17 Why Libraries May Need to Change When what we do, doesn’t make sense to our customers. “Why is my Internet time limited to an hour when nobody else is waiting?” “Why can’t I check this reference book out?” “It doesn’t look like it’s been used in years.” “How was I supposed to know I would find cookbooks under ‘cookery’?” Bedwetting --- See: enuresis “Huh?” “I want something about planning weddings.” We say, “Check 395.2, 392.5, 745.926, 793.2, 782.4.”

18 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” Items on the Endangered List: The traditional Reference Desk (IMing, texting, L-net, Starbucks?) Vendor owned Integrated Library Systems Can anyone say “Open Source” Dewey Decimal Classification and Display Could some items be shelved by topic Cataloging & OCLC MARC is under attack by natural language user-driven initiatives. (Tagging is in. Are LC Subject Headings?) Non-librarians want a say in adding cataloging content

19 “Got Any Spare -- Change?”


21 “ has the potential to be a killer app and is worth keeping a close eye on.” “Wonderfully subversive and may change the way we think about cataloging forever.” “Provides a professional grade cataloging tool.” -- “Technology in Practice,” American Libraries, March 2009, p. 29-30.

22 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” Items on the Endangered List (continued) OPAC -- the old model is dead. Something incorporating Amazon and Library Thing. An OPAC that “knows” you An OPAC that tells you when new items are available An OPAC that “does” readers advisory. “If you liked this, try … (Goal #3 Oregon State Library LSTA five-year plan) An OPAC that lets readers write reviews and offer recommendations An OPAC that allows people to leave messages, seek opinions and form groups (wikis, blogs, vlogs, reviews, podcasts, tagging, comments, RSS, etc.) (Goal #6 Oregon State Library LSTA five-year plan) An OPAC that searches across all collection “borders” An OPAC that replaces the Library’s main web page

23 “Got Any Spare -- Change?”



26 An Illustration …

27 “Got Any Spare -- Change? ” A core concept that our catalogs must change is that “people are now the content of sites. A site is not populated with information for users to consume. Instead, services are provided to individual users for them to build networks of friends and other groups (professional, recreational, etc.) The content of a site then, comprises user-provided information that attracts new members of an ever-expanding network.” – Tim O’Reilly, coiner of term “web 2.0”

28 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” Lessons in Failure Harboring a false self-image We’re the only game in town Public Libraries are … public libraries, “we can’t be replaced!” Falling back on yesterday’s answer We’ll always have our books – Can you say “Kindle” Soliciting input and then disregarding it Failing to consider unsolicited input – ego Failing to consider those things that don’t make sense to our customers

29 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” A Note of Caution… Know when you’ve taken people to the breaking point. Because …

30 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” … There May be Consequences.

31 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” So, What’s it Going to Be?

32 “Got Any Spare -- Change?” Like This?

33 “Got Any Spare -- Change? ” Or, Like This

34 “Got Any Spare -- Change? ”

35 We will not go gently into that good night. We will not let others define who we are and what we do. We are a profession that embraces change. It’s time to redefine ourselves...this profession is not headed for bingo night. Librarians Rock! “Got Any Spare -- Change?” But … You ain’t seen nothing, yet! Look out for the Cloud! See American Libraries --- April 2009

36 “Got Any Spare -- Change?”


38 For your viewing pleasure … … Thanks to Sheryl Eldridge

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