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Struts 2 - The modern web application framework By Nalin De Zoysa

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Presentation on theme: "Struts 2 - The modern web application framework By Nalin De Zoysa"— Presentation transcript:

1 Struts 2 - The modern web application framework By Nalin De Zoysa

2 Setup the Environment Download the struts2 Create web project in eclipse Add the strtus libs to the project Create the struts.xml in src Create Create view(.jsp) Configure the web.xml


4 Introduce Maven What is maven – Apache Maven is a build tool to support the developer at the whole process of a software project. – Based on the concept of XML Project Object Model (POM). –Originally developed for building Turbine. – A small core with numerous plugins


6 Use the business service.. Create service class and call it in action In jsp use the struts tags

7 Access member variables

8 Cont..

9 Value Stack

10 Demonstration... Lets use maven demo

11 How to pass the parameters Send as get Send as post whildcards


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