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TISA NICHOLS AND AMBER BOREN Special Education Information and Successful Practice.

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Presentation on theme: "TISA NICHOLS AND AMBER BOREN Special Education Information and Successful Practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 TISA NICHOLS AND AMBER BOREN Special Education Information and Successful Practice

2 Important Terms and Acronyms IDEA-Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. ADA-Americans with Disabilities FAPE-Free and Appropriate Public Education IEP-Individual Education Plan SST-Student Support Team

3 Important Terms and Acronyms 504 Plan-Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 LRE-Least restrictive environment Child Find- Responsibility of the LEA to identify children in need of Special Education services in a timely and legal manner. IEP Team-no less than a parent, special educator, LEA, regular educator

4 T “The more I think, the more confused I get!”

5 Confused? Legal document written/revised educational and ability testing required direct services by a special educator part of IDEA legal document that may be reviewed each year provides modifications to the curriculum requires a medical diagnosis renders on direct services IEP 504 MODIFICATIONSMODIFICATIONS

6 It’s a long process (FOR A GOOD REASON) Over Identification Cost (average $5,500 per student) No matter what the student is labeled, you will still teach them Modifications, interventions are just “best practice” and don’t need to be enforced by law. Eventually, if the student qualifies, you will have to provide modifications/interventions; why not do it without a legal document?

7 Suggestions for Implementations of Modifications Note: Most modifications are spelled out by the IEP team for specific implementation. Always follow the IEP requirements if an IEP exists. Grading Modified Extended Time Study Guides Read Aloud Separate Setting

8 IEP meeting Do’s and Don’ts

9 In Class Resource (ICR)= Inclusion IS… Regular classes with Special Educators expertise in transforming the general on grade curriculum to be accessable for Special Education students Pace- the pace should be comparable to that of a regular class. Co-Teaching- Planning time together, both teachers teach so that students view them as equally important.

10 In Class Resource (ICR)= Inclusion Is Not… A resource class with different curriculum with a slower pace Regular Ed teacher teaching and Special Ed teacher assisting and monitoring An extra planning period for either teacher

11 Special Education Teachers are Part of your Team Ask Us! Consult with us if you need modification ideas, intervention suggestions, or have concerns about a student who is or could need Special Education services.

12 Now what? Once a student is identified through Special Education services or through the 504 Plan what is your responsibility as that child’s teacher and member of the IEP/504 team?  You signed the document, this means you are legally bound to follow, implement, and keep documentation regarding all pieces of the document!  Know what accommodations and modifications you are required to implement and monitor (this means taking data).  Keep lines of communication open with parents, other general ed. staff, and the Special Ed/504 case manager.

13 Now what? Continued…  If you do not maintain the integrity of the document (a.k.a. If you don’t do your job, implement accommodations/modifications, collect data, etc.) you may be held liable for Compensatory Services – this means you owe that child instructional time OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL!  If you have questions PLEASE contact the Special Ed/504 case manager~ ignorance is NOT an excuse!

14 What is SST? SST or Student Support Team includes teachers, parents, Special Ed teachers, and administration. Teachers, administration, and/or parents can initiate a SST referral. A school referral should only take place after two parent conferences, and at least six weeks of scientifically research based interventions have been unsuccessful in supporting the student. After a referral is made teachers will complete pre-SST paperwork (please make sure it is complete, most of the information requested can be found in the cumulative file.) When paperwork is returned to SST case manager intervention data must be attached!

15 Questions??  FA 1/2  Stephanie Smith- smiths@franklinacademy. org smiths@franklinacademy. org  Michelle Kline- klinem@franklinacademy. org klinem@franklinacademy. org  FA 3  Tisa Nichols- Nicholst@franklinacadem Nicholst@franklinacadem  Amber Boren- Borena@franklinacademy. org Borena@franklinacademy. org  FA4  Robin Hovater- Hovaterr@franklinacade Hovaterr@franklinacade  Leighann Roblee-  FA 5  Patricia Pegram- Pegramp@franklinacade Pegramp@franklinacade  Rebeckah Ring- Ringr@franklinacademy.o rg

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