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NCG Crowd System Graduate School of Digital Hollywood Media Science Lab. Koichi Tamura.

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Presentation on theme: "NCG Crowd System Graduate School of Digital Hollywood Media Science Lab. Koichi Tamura."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCG Crowd System Graduate School of Digital Hollywood Media Science Lab. Koichi Tamura

2 Overview Character Initial Layout Simulation Motion Generation Skinning RenderingPreview Crowd scene creation

3 features - Placement on surface noise+UV grid, random noise+ uniform density distr, texture - Placement on curve noise+U gird, random noise + uniform density dist - Placement on perticles - Direct placement Character Initial Distribution "TAKUSAN" character initial layout simulationmotion generationskinning preview rendering Distribute agent at the startframe of the simulation

4 - Generate character paths(position, direction perframe)‏ - Generate events(postion, direction, frame, type etc.)‏ シミュレーション NCG crowd simulator - yellow triangle: character - red circle: event features - Group base simulation - All the data is in Python - Behavior control with node network motion generationskinning preview rendering simulation character initial layout

5 Motion Generation 1 “MOGE” motion generation simulation Generate motion from path and events features - Pose database [ fig.1 ] - Pose to pose blending [ fig.2 ] - Layered pose [ fig.3 ] - IK/FK and footprint [ fig.4 ] - Somooth blending between walk and event [ fig.5 ] [ fig.1 ][ fig.2 ] [ fig.4 ] [ fig.5 ] [ fig.3 ] skinning preview rendering character initial layout

6 Motion Generation 1 “MOGE” logic - Select appropreate walk loop animation from the velocity - Insert poses - Insert sub poses between poses can create event motion using the same logic as walk motion generation simulation skinning preview rendering character initial layout

7 skeleton animation data [NBG file] proprietary format file for preview which can be used by hw shader skinning (geometry bake)‏ [RIB file] skinning/preview/rendering skinning preview rendering motion generation features - Polygon generation in batch Maya - MEL template and keyword replacement - Can use character parameters (e.g. variation) specified by the user - Parameters are in Python simulation character initial layout

8 group on surface? Y N NCG simulator example walk at an angle walk straight end motion generationskinning preview rendering simulation character initial layout v

9 group on surface? Y N die group end NCG simulator example motion generationskinning preview rendering simulation character initial layout v

10 group on surface? Y N walk straight NCG simulator example walk at an angle place on surface end join motion generationskinning preview rendering simulation character initial layout v

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