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Presentation on theme: "BREAKOUT 2: TAKING ACTION TO CLOSE THE GAP (11:10 - 12:25)"— Presentation transcript:


2 WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES Presenter builds on break out 1, but then takes the gap and describes their action plan to refine their work, expand their projects, and close the gap Using the Closing the Gap Action Planning form, participants are invited to create a plan for closing the gap that they identified in Day One Have fun!

3 SOME IMPORTANT NOTES Our discussions today are about learning, not about performance, so… sharing your challenges and failures can be just as important as sharing your wins and successes.

4 MEETING NORMS REFRESH Suspend judgment as best you can. Respect one another. Seek to understand rather than persuade. Invite and honour diverse opinions. Speak what has personal heart and meaning. Go for honesty without going on and on and on.

5 Site Sharing: Reflecting on Our Work to Date City of Edinburgh pioneer work in key change area of Transitions Heather Gorton Educational Psychologist

6 PROJECT GAPS Barriers in continuing with initial project: Longer nursery day Staffing in P1 Focus area needed adjustment Also aimed to take into account learning from other work

7 REVISED DRIVER DIAGRAM Aim Primary Drivers Secondary Drivers Positive transition experiences will be reported by 95% of staff, children and parents in XX by September 2014 Child’s experiences Involvement of parents and family Role of of key staff and services Early id of need Parental expectations & knowledge Staff expectations & knowledge Creating links Ensuring continuity Effective communication Involve right services Child wellbeing & development

8 REVISED DRIVER DIAGRAM Aim Primary Drivers Secondary Drivers Positive transition experiences will be reported by 95% of staff, children and parents in XX by September 2014 Child’s experiences Involvement of parents and family Role of of key staff and services Early id of need Parental expectations & knowledge Staff expectations & knowledge Creating links Ensuring continuity Effective communication Involve right services Child wellbeing & development

9 Impact of the intervention These are still at a planning stage, 3 small projects planned, with links on to WS4: 1.Transition groups for all pre-school parents in original pioneer site 2.Transition ‘face time’ project 3.Moving into P1 leaflet in 2 nurseries and schools

10 Data Not being collected yet, planned measures: 1)To be discussed at a meeting in November 2)Length of connection time, number of children participating in sessions 3)Number of ‘posts’ on nursery bulletin board in response to using booklet at home

11 Involving Parents Moving into P1 Leaflet

12 Learning for improvement We have had to restock and redraw the map Encouraged core staff to meet and draw out their measures and ideas before beginning Make sure this links on to work stream 4

13 Table Reflection and Discussion part one Using the action planning form – sketch out milestones, next actions, and structural things they need to do to move their dots and close their gap – 20 minutes Action planning questions on next slide

14 Table Reflection and Discussion 1.What's the next action or task for each to move them forward? 2.What assets can we draw upon within our partners or the community to move this work forward? 3.Who needs to be involved? 4.What do you need for others? 5.What are predicted barriers and what are your ideas for overcoming them?

15 Discussing as a table, participants are invited to share their action plans What were common theses about your next actions to move things forward? What can you do in the next 2 weeks to move existing projects forward and start new ones? Where do you need help or support? Table Reflection and Discussion part two – 20 minutes

16 What did you discover in your action planning? What surprised you? What ideas are you taking home from your table discussions? REPORT OUT

17 PLEASE INSERT HERE (DURING SESSION): – Top 5 emerging themes based upon facilitator themes from tables. THEMES FROM THE ROOM

18 Parting Thoughts Today was about closing the gap Take your plans to CPP action planning, to close the gap you’ve identified Head into the action period with clarity about what you need to do!

19 Thanks for a great session!

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