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Cody Lovett July 15, 2015.  Webster defines emotion as “a conscious mental reaction subjectively experienced as strong feeling usually directed toward.

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1 Cody Lovett July 15, 2015



4  Webster defines emotion as “a conscious mental reaction subjectively experienced as strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body”.  “A strong feeling that happens in your head that usually makes you act differently.”


6  God Given  From the Heart  Affect All Areas of our Lives

7  No matter one’s age, we all have Emotions. ◦ Different Levels Displayed  Emotionally Unpredictable? ◦ Hard to be around!  Blame Emotions?

8  We are made in the image of God. ◦ Genesis 1:27  Our God is an Emotional God. ◦ Love-John 3:16 ◦ Anger-Ezekiel 5:13 ◦ Compassion-Psalm 103:13, Isaiah 49:13, Romans 5:8  Hardwired into Our Being.

9  We are to use them to Glorify God.  Greatest Command ◦ Luke 10:27  Love God with our Emotions Too!

10  Brought out many different ways. ◦ External Happenings  Death  Financial Troubles  Good News  Stubbing Your Toe  Becoming a Christian  Millions of other ways.


12  Result of Religion, not Proof  By Product of Conviction ◦ Can lead to genuine emotional response.  Without Emotion, Cold, Formal, No Personality of Faith  Overly Emotional leads to irrational behavior and loss of reason.  Must Exhibit Emotions, but fall in the middle of the two extremes.

13  Emotionalism-Overcome with emotions, Totally consumed, ◦ “-Ism”- Devotion to, adherence to  Stoicism-Nothing shakes you, Feelings are not important.  As Christians, we need to stay away from these extremes and get right in the middle of the two.

14  We must take control, before we are controlled.  Examples: ◦ Bubble Wrap Factory ◦ Fire  Trust God ◦ Proverbs 3:5-6  Vulnerable ◦ Proverbs 25:28

15  Sadness ◦ John 11:35- Jesus Wept ◦ Matthew 23:37- Lamenting Over Jerusalem ◦ Garden of Gethsemane  Philippians 4:6  Anger ◦ Mark 11:15-19- Cleansing of Temple  Love ◦ For Apostles, Martha, Lazarus, John, Disciples ◦ Cross  Compassion ◦ Healings-Matthew 20:29-34, Matthew 14:14 ◦ Feeding of Multitude-Matthew 15:32

16  Good Samaritan ◦ Luke 10  Sadness & Cruelty  Hatred & Pride  Compassion & Love  Prodigal Son ◦ Luke 15  Sadness  False Joy  Anger  Joy

17  Deep abiding love for our brethren.  Tear stained cheeks over our sins.  Sympathy for the lonely and distressed.  Gratitude for Christ’s supreme sacrifice  Hatred and disgust toward sin and false doctrine  Fear of Hell  Longing for Heaven

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