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Do Now At the bell, begin to silently and independently begin working on your Do Now. If you have Extra Credit, you may place it in the HW bin. HOMEWORK:

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now At the bell, begin to silently and independently begin working on your Do Now. If you have Extra Credit, you may place it in the HW bin. HOMEWORK:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now At the bell, begin to silently and independently begin working on your Do Now. If you have Extra Credit, you may place it in the HW bin. HOMEWORK: Write a one-page obituary about your self from the perspective of a family member or friend.

2 Objectives Identify subjects, verbs, direct objects, indirect objects, and modifiers in a text. Compose context, thesis, and summary paragraphs for our essay.

3 Agenda Do Now: Subject, Verb, Direct Objects, and Indirect Objects (10) Grammar: Modifiers (10) Composition: Context, Thesis, and Summary Paragraphs (30) Vocabulary: Pictures (10) Exit Ticket (10)

4 Grammar Modifiers are words that “modify” or slightly change the meaning of a word. This is usually to let the reader know the number of something, to describe something, to show possession of something, or to let the reader know how or when something is done. Articles – how many, or which one? Adjectives – what is it like? Possessive Pronouns – belonging to who? Adverbs – how or when?

5 Context Explain what you are writing about. What is the topic?
What background information does your audience need to know about the subject if they are unfamiliar with it? Explain anything specific details about the topic now so that your audience won’t be confused about it later.

6 Thesis Paragraph Introduce the two articles that you are going to compare and contrast by name and where they were published. State what is similar and different in the two articles. Use your Venn Diagram to help you decide Think about style, structure, perspective, bias, tone/mood, purpose, and/or audience. Be SPECIFIC about what is similar and different. Choose TWO similarities and TWO differences to focus on. Thesis Statement sentence starter: The authors of both articles are similar in________________________(list two examples), but differ in_________________________(list two examples).

7 Summary Paragraphs Summarize each article (2 paragraphs total)
Use your POWER WRITING notes and sentence starters. Start with a POWER 1 sentence to state the main idea of each article. Then use POWER 2, 3, & 4 sentences with the correct sentences starters to develop more details about each article.

8 Vocabulary Word Definition Lacerate (v) Laceration (n)
Laceration (n) To tear or cut roughly. A sharp cut or tear. Largesse (n) The act of giving generously; gifts Obituary (n) A notice of someone’s death, such as in a newspaper, usually with a brief summary of that person’s life. Omnivorous (adj) 1. Eating all kinds of food, including both animal and vegetable food. 2. Taking in everything available. Permeate (v) To spread throughout; to pass through.

9 Exit Ticket Create a cartoon using ALL 5 of this week’s words. CIRCLE any modifiers that you include in the text of the cartoon.

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