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Mike Mazzalongo Advice on Leaving Home. Advice to those leaving home: 1.Remember to Keep Your Way Pure.

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Presentation on theme: "Mike Mazzalongo Advice on Leaving Home. Advice to those leaving home: 1.Remember to Keep Your Way Pure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mike Mazzalongo Advice on Leaving Home

2 Advice to those leaving home: 1.Remember to Keep Your Way Pure

3 9 How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Your word. 10 With all my heart I have sought You; Do not let me wander from Your commandments. - Psalms 119:9-10

4 How to keep your way pure: 1.Treasure the Word – vs. 11 Your word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against You.

5 How to keep your way pure: 1.Treasure the Word – vs. 11 2.Ask for enlightenment – vs. 12 Blessed are You, O Lord; Teach me Your statutes.

6 How to keep your way pure: 1.Treasure the Word – vs. 11 2.Ask for enlightenment – vs. 12 3.Proclaim the Word – vs. 13 With my lips I have told of All the ordinances of Your mouth.

7 How to keep your way pure: 1.Treasure the Word – vs. 11 2.Ask for enlightenment – vs. 12 3.Proclaim the Word – vs. 13 4.Appreciate the way – vs. 14 I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies, As much as in all riches.

8 How to keep your way pure: 1.Treasure the Word – vs. 11 2.Ask for enlightenment – vs. 12 3.Proclaim the Word – vs. 13 4.Appreciate the way – vs. 14 5.Study God’s Word – vs. 15

9 I will meditate on Your precepts And regard Your ways.

10 How to keep your way pure: 1.Treasure the Word – vs. 11 2.Ask for enlightenment – vs. 12 3.Proclaim the Word – vs. 13 4.Appreciate the way – vs. 14 5.Study God’s Word – vs. 15 6.Rejoice in the Word – vs. 16a

11 I shall delight in Your statutes;

12 How to keep your way pure: 1.Treasure the Word – vs. 11 2.Ask for enlightenment – vs. 12 3.Proclaim the Word – vs. 13 4.Appreciate the way – vs. 14 5.Study God’s Word – vs. 15 6.Rejoice in the Word – vs. 16a 7.Remember the Word – vs. 16b

13 I shall not forget Your word.

14 Advice to those leaving home: 1.Remember to Keep Your Way Pure 2.Choose Your Friends Wisely

15 Common threads of healthy relationships: 1.These friendships were based on mutual respect not weakness.

16 Common threads of healthy relationships: 1.These friendships were based on mutual respect not weakness. 2.These friendships shared similar beliefs.

17 Common threads of healthy relationships: 1.These friendships were based on mutual respect not weakness. 2.These friendships shared similar beliefs. 3.These friendships were based on mutual sacrifice.

18 Advice to those leaving home: 1.Remember to Keep Your Way Pure 2.Choose Your Friends Wisely 3.Find Something to Give Yourself To

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