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Nguyen Tuan Anh. VN-Grid: Goals  Grid middleware (focus of this presentation)  Tuan Anh  Grid applications  Hoai.

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Presentation on theme: "Nguyen Tuan Anh. VN-Grid: Goals  Grid middleware (focus of this presentation)  Tuan Anh  Grid applications  Hoai."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nguyen Tuan Anh

2 VN-Grid: Goals  Grid middleware (focus of this presentation)  Tuan Anh  Grid applications  Hoai

3 Infrastructure elements  Physical view  Sites  HCMUT, UCMUNS, HCMUI, …  Grid nodes (computing elements)  Clusters, MPP, Workstations  End-user (Application)  Run [parallel] applications on those Grid nodes transparently

4 What services needed?

5 Resource monitoring Web VN-Grid Layered Architecture ClusterWorkstationMPP Management software WSGRAM interface GT4 WSGRAM InformationDiscoveryExecution Agent Management software WSGRAM interface Agent WSGRAM interface Agent GT4 WSGRAM Application supporting tools GT4 CONTAINER

6 Executing a job

7 VN-Grid middleware services  Information  Nga, Hung  Discovery  Ha, Hoang Anh  Reservation  From EDAGrid  Execution  From EDAGrid

8 Service: Information  Functionality  Store, query and update resource information  Implemented as Grid services  Collect information  Resources on each Grid node  Network information between Grid nodes and sub-nets inside its Site  Network information between an internal Grid node to/from external ones (progressively collected)  Services (URLs) on each Grid nodes  Receive registration information from other Sites  Discovery services of other sites

9 Service: Information  Requirements  Collect information  Resource information  Script /daemon on each Grid node  Adapt script for each Cluster Management System  Job information  Submitted jobs and their status  Network bandwidth:  Some “measure point” (iperf) servers  Bandwidth service  Grid node services  Using a Globus tool to obtain and publish  Access published information  Through WSRF Information services  Allow flexible query/update ANY available information

10 Service: Information  Requirement interfaces  A “pure” well-defined Java interface to access the WSRF service  All WSRF-specific code should be hidden inside this interface  “User” of this service does not need to understand WSRF  JUnit test suite to test different services

11 Resource discovery  Functionality  Provide service for discover [all] resource sets satisfy a given requirement  Requirements are specified in JSDL format  Discovery  Local site matching  Obtain “neighbor” sites from its information service  Forward [partial] requests to neighbor sites for further discovery  Update information service if a new site found

12 Service: discovery  A “pure” well-defined Java interface to access the WSRF service  All WSRF-specific code should be hidden inside this interface  “User” of this service does not need to understand WSRF  JUnit test suite

13 Execution  Functionality  Receive user jobs  Described in XML/JSDL  Job type: Multiple, single, MPI  MPI allowed only on a single Grid node  Access discovery services to find resources  Access Reservation and WSGRAM on each found resource to launch the execution  Requirement  Pure-Java interface  Junit test suite

14 Resource monitoring  Web site to display Grid resources  Can browse resources (Grid nodes) from site to site  SCMS Web from PRAGMA?

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