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Buddhism. Overview of Buddhism Siddhartha Guatama – –Son of a rich warrior prince – –Father isolated him from unhappiness, need on his estate – –Siddhartha.

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Presentation on theme: "Buddhism. Overview of Buddhism Siddhartha Guatama – –Son of a rich warrior prince – –Father isolated him from unhappiness, need on his estate – –Siddhartha."— Presentation transcript:

1 Buddhism

2 Overview of Buddhism Siddhartha Guatama – –Son of a rich warrior prince – –Father isolated him from unhappiness, need on his estate – –Siddhartha escaped 3x, saw poor, cruelty – –Made him question, reject the physical world and search for enlightenment

3 Overview of Buddhism Studied with different religious leaders Fasted, meditated – –Realized that life of a hermit would kill him Finally emerged from studies, meditation as the Buddha (“Enlightened One”) Realized that moderation – the Middle Path – between hedonism, extreme denial, was best path

4 Buddhist Beliefs The Four Noble Truths – –All life is suffering and sorrow – –Cause of suffering & sorrow is craving for happiness / sadness, delight / pain – –End suffering and sadness by ending the craving By giving it up, you will free yourself from it – –End desire by following the Eightfold Path

5 The Eightfold Path

6 Buddhist Beliefs Goal of Buddhists = nirvana – –Extinction and freedom from cycle of suffering, death and rebirth Reach the “Middle Way” – –Follow the Eightfold Path – –Meditate – –Moderation in all things Believed in reincarnation but rejected caste system Also rejected idea of personal god Rejected social, sexual distinctions; embraced egalitarian organization

7 Buddhist Followers At first, word spread by wandering monks Spread to China; today, about 300 million Buddhists worldwide Never caught on in India


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