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Twenty Questions ECONOMICS: Twenty Questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920.

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2 Twenty Questions ECONOMICS:

3 Twenty Questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920

4 1. This has a fixed interest rate for a specified period of time. Certificate of deposit.

5 2. Interest rate changes over time. Money market account.

6 3. When employee’s pay Is deposited into bank account Direct deposit.

7 4. A computer terminal that you can withdraw or deposit cash from Automated teller machine

8 5. Electronically moves money from one bank to another Type the answer here.

9 6. Can be replaced if lost or stolen. Travelers checks

10 7. You pay the currency exchange and they issue one of their checks Money order

11 8. Boxes with individual locks that you may rent from a bank Safe deposit boxes

12 9. The amount of money borrowed. Principal

13 10. Length of time the money is borrowed. Term

14 11. In Illinois, a car owner must have this type of insurance Liability insurance.

15 12. A way to save money when shopping. Comparison shopping.

16 13. New product warranty when there isn’t a written one. Implied warranty.

17 14. Federal cooling off period. 3 days.

18 15. If a consumer refuses to pay for repairs, the car shop can….. Place a lien on the property.

19 16. Sticker price. Is generally discounted in part on the basis of the buyer’s negotiating ability.

20 17. Safety features are important because. In an average year, one in three motorists is involved in an accident

21 18. A lease is a… Rental agreement.

22 19. Terms in a lease. May be negotiated with a landlord.

23 20. Credit. The ability to borrow money in return for a promise of future repayment.

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