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Denver Homeless Out Loud (D.H.O.L.) started in 2012. We work to help protect and advocate for dignity, rights and choices for people experiencing homelessness.

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Presentation on theme: "Denver Homeless Out Loud (D.H.O.L.) started in 2012. We work to help protect and advocate for dignity, rights and choices for people experiencing homelessness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Denver Homeless Out Loud (D.H.O.L.) started in 2012. We work to help protect and advocate for dignity, rights and choices for people experiencing homelessness. D.H.O.L. is leading the Homeless Bill of Rights campaign for Colorado. For more info please visit:

2 Factors that have led to Homelessness -Trickle-down economics -Welfare reform -Mass imprisonment/ Prison Industrial Complex -Punitive immigration policies -Attacks on unions -Income inequality -Job insecurity and debt -Foster Care System -Lack of low-income housing -Poor family function/upbringing -Privatization of public services -Physical and mental disabilities -The stigma surrounding poverty and drug proliferation that leads to drug use and drug addiction -Shelter/Services do not meet specific needs -Rent Prices -Mass cuts on federal funding for public/low income housing

3 . Vicious Cycle of Homelessness:

4 Why a Homeless Bill of Rights? -Many know that homelessness is a problem but do not understand the effects and severity it has on the human body, human psyche, the society, and the economy. -Cities across the U.S. have enacted and are enforcing laws that make it a crime to preform basic acts of survival. -These acts include sleeping, sitting in “high impact public areas,” loitering, sleeping in vehicles, storing belongings, covering yourself from the elements, giving or receiving free food, Furthermore, you can't even stand up for another person doing these things. -These laws make criminals out of people based on their social status- not on their behavior. They were created on a mind-set of “hiding the problem” instead of trying to fix it.

5 Historical Criminalization -“Quality of life” laws are based on extensions of discriminatory laws of the past meant to push certain people out of public spaces. -These laws include Jim Crow laws, Operation Wetback, Ugly laws, and so many others that have been used to target “unwanted people” and push them out and away. -Today, new laws similar to these are popping up left and right to target people who are poor or homeless and move them along out of central public spaces. -Just like the laws of our past, they deny people the right to exist in local communities, and takes away their dignity and intentions to make their lives better.

6 Our Research -Our campaign is based on outreach to homeless people to document their experiences of discrimination, criminalization, and the daily difficulties that they encounter. -This mainly includes experiences that reflect the incompetence of the current laws that criminalize homeless people and the effect that these laws have on their lives, the society, and the economy. -The Rights included in our bill were decided based on these documented experiences and the results of our survey. -Our survey asks people about their experiences with the laws that have stopped them from performing basic acts of survival. We have surveyed over 400 people experiencing homelessness in 12 cities across Colorado.

7 Here are some of our Survey Findings: -70% have been harassed, ticketed, or arrested for sleeping, with 25% of these being ticketed and 14% being arrested. -64% have been harassed, ticketed, or arrested for sitting or lying down, with 15% being ticketed and 7% being arrested. -50% have been harassed, ticketed, or arrested for loitering, with 14% ticketed and 6% arrested. -60% have had their belongings taken by police or city employees. -73% have been DENIED ACCESS TO BATHROOMS, with 23% harassed, ticketed, or arrested for urinating in public due to lack of access to bathrooms. -52% DENIED ACCESS TO WATER Furthermore... - “Do police ever harass you without having any legal reason?” 79% said yes. -“Have you encountered private security guards hassling people, ordering people away or otherwise policing public sidewalks or parks?” 78% said yes. -48% have been harassed, ticketed, or arrested for standing up for another person, with 10% ticketed and 8% arrested.

8 OUR CORE RIGHTS FOR THE COLORADO HOMELESS BILL OF RIGHTS CAMPAIGN: “RIGHT TO REST” 1. The right to move freely, rest and sleep and to protect oneself from the elements in public spaces and without time-limitation that discriminates based on housing status. 2. The right to occupy a legally parked vehicle. 3. The right to a reasonable expectation of privacy of your property in public space. 4. The right to eat, share, accept, or give food in any public space in which having food is not prohibited.

9 States/Provinces that have passed a H.B.R: -Rhode Island -Connecticut -Illinois -Puerto Rico States working together through W.R.A.P., on our Homeless Bill of Rights Campaign to pass bills that decriminalize homelessness: California Oregon Washington COLORADO! And more!

10 Power in Numbers! -We must create a powerful social justice movement driven by local communities: WE NEED YOU! We must be committed to our work together to create a society where ALL people have the basic right to live where they choose without fear of harassment and criminalization.

11 Our Organization Endorsers -Western Regional Advocacy Project: (HBR Campaign coordinator for CA, OR, WA, CO HBR collaboration) W.R.A.P. has 135 organization endorsers! Local Colorado Endorsers as of January 2015: -Colorado Jobs With Justice -Colorado Progressive Coalition -Denver Catholic Worker -Fort Collins Homeless Coalition -Grand Junction Solidarity Not Charity -Colorado Impact -Prax(us) -American Friends Service Committee -Bayaud Homeless Advocacy Council -Boulder Rights Watch -Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition -9to5

12 How to get Involved -Become an endorser of the Colorado Homeless People's Rights Campaign! -Tell a friend why Colorado needs a Homeless Bill of Rights! -Share your story about being homeless in Colorado! -Contact your Representatives and ask them to support this bill! -Come to our H.B.R. meetings and join the ongoing organizing work. -Come to rallies and events to support the“Right to Rest Act” -Attend Committee Hearings about the bill. J oin the Homeless Bill of Rights Campaign!

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