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Toxicity of Automotive Runoff on Daphnia. Morgan Dutrow 10 th Grade Bellwood-Antis.

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Presentation on theme: "Toxicity of Automotive Runoff on Daphnia. Morgan Dutrow 10 th Grade Bellwood-Antis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Toxicity of Automotive Runoff on Daphnia. Morgan Dutrow 10 th Grade Bellwood-Antis

2 Why I Chose this Experiment Daphnia could be an indicator of what will happen when chemicals runoff of parking lots and into aquatic environments. Earlier in the year I had learned a little about Daphnia. I chose this experiment because…

3 Windshield Washer Fluid Contains: Methanol (CHO3H) Antifreeze Contains: Ethylene glycol (C2H6O2) Background Information Brake fluid Contains: Diethylene glycol (C4O3H) Lethal Dose 50 in 96 hours

4 Hypothesis Windshield washer fluid be the least lethal.

5 Why I Chose Daphnia… In our experiment we used the variety of daphnia known as Daphnia Magnum. Daphnia being much smaller, would be more susceptible. Because they are a food source, this could then work its way up the ecosystem. Daphnia are an indicator species.

6 General Procedure 40ml fluid with 4 daphnia 3 trials of each dilution

7 Making a dilution: Ex. 1/10 dilution Water: 34ml Automotive pollutant: 4ml Food:2ml

8 Recipes For My Dilutions DilutionWaterFoodChemical 1/2 18 2 20 1/5 30 2 8 1/10 34 2 4 1/20 36 2 2 1/40 37 2 1 1/80 37 ½ 2 ½

9 Experimental Design Variable ▫the pollutant Experimental Group ▫Antifreeze, Brake Fluid, and Windshield Washer Fluid Control Group ▫Spring Water

10 Experimental Design Contd. Control Variables: Amount of… ▫Light ▫Food ▫Chemical ▫Water Others… ▫Temperature ▫Size of daphnia ▫Clean materials

11 LD 50 Daphnia died too close together

12 Daphnia Lifetime (in minutes) in Brake Fluid

13 Averages Daphnia Lifetimes of 3 Trials Note: All numbers are in minutes.


15 Conclusion According to my data, I reject my hypothesis that Windshield Washer Fluid would be the least lethal to daphnia.

16 Improvements I would… ▫use more specific dilutions. ▫use different animals. ▫use more chemicals.

17 Expanding my Project I could… ▫test motor oil by using a larger aquatic animal. ▫test to see what affect making the water more acidic or basic would have.

18 Bibliography /1/55 1/24 /1/55 1/24 25.htm 2/8 25.htm m 2/8 m 2/10

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