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1 BACTERIA. 2 2 Bacterial colony Figure 4.1 4 4.

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2 2 2

3 Bacterial colony Figure 4.1

4 4 4

5 5 Bacteria are very small

6 6 This is a pore in human skin and the yellow spheres are bacteria

7 7 Bacteria are very small compared to cells with nuclei

8 8 Bacteria compared to a white blood cell that is going to eat it Bacteria

9 9 Clean skin has about 20 million bacteria per square inch

10 10 Evolution/Classification Most numerous on Earth Most Ancient Microscopic Prokaryotes Adapted to survive where no other organisms can. Grouped based on: –Structure, physiology, molecular composition, reaction to specific types of stain. –Eubacteria= Germs/bacteria –Archaebacteria

11 11 Kingdom Archaebacteria First discovered in extreme environments Methanogens: Harvest energy by converting H 2 and CO 2 into methane gas –Anaerobic, live in intestinal tracts Extreme halophiles: Salt loving, live in Great Salt Lake, and Dead sea. Thermoacidophiles: Live in acid environments and high temps. –Hot Springs, volcanic vents

12 12 Volcanic vents on the sea floor

13 13 Chemosynthetic bacteria use the sulfur in the “smoke” for energy to make ATP.

14 14 Kingdom Eubacteria Can have one of three basic shapes 1.Bacilli – rod-shaped 2.Spirilla – spiral-shaped 3.Cocci – sphere-shaped Streptococci – in chains Staphylococci – grape-like clusters

15 15 Bacillus bacteria are rod shaped

16 16 Coccus bacteria are sphere shaped

17 17 Spirillium bacteria have a corkscrew shape


19 19 Diplo-bacteria occur in pairs, such as the diplococcus bacteria that causes gonorrhea

20 20 Staphylo - bacteria occur in clumps, such as this staphylococcus bacteria that causes common infections of cuts

21 21 Strepto- bacteria occur in chains of bacteria, such as this streptococcus bacteria that causes some types of sore throats

22 22 Spirillium bacteria

23 23 Diplobacillus bacteria

24 24 Streptococcu s bacteria

25 25 Staphylococcus bacteria

26 26 The tip of a needle The red and yellow dots are bacteria

27 27 Gram Stain Gram-positive retain stain and appear purple –Have thicker layer in cell wall. –can produce exotoxins made of protein Gram-negative do not retain stain and take second pink stain instead. –can produce endotoxins made of lipids and carbohydrates –Watch it happen!

28 28 No Nucleus-DNA in Cytoplasm

29 29 Nutrition and Growth Heterotrophic or Autotrophic Some are Photoautotrophs – Use sunlight for Energy Some are Chemoautotrophs. Many are Obligate Anaerobes. –Oxygen = Death Ex. Clostridium tetani – Tetanus Some are Faculatative Anaerobes –With or without Oxygen Ex. Escherichia Coli Some are Obligate Aerobes –Ex.) Mycobacterium tuberculosis Temperature requirements –Some are Thermophilic, Some prefer acidic envmt.

30 30 These heterotrophic bacteria digest oil -- remember oil is partially decayed plant and animal cells

31 31 BACTERIA REPRODUCES binary FISSION First the chromosomal DNA makes a copy The DNA replicates

32 32 NEXT THE CYTOPLASM AND CELL DIVIDES The two resulting cells are exactly the same

33 33 In addition to the large chromosomal DNA, bacteria have many small loops of DNA called Plasmids

34 34 CONJUGATION Exchange DNA through Conjugation tube/pilus

35 35 Transformation and Tranduction Transformation: Bacterial cell takes in DNA from external environment – Transduction: Virus obtains DNA from Bacterial host 36

36 Examples 37

37 Helicobacter pylori is the pathogenic bacteria that can causes ulcers

38 38 Leprosy is a bacterial infection that decreases blood flow to the extremities resulting in the deterioration of toes, ears, the nose and the fingers.




42 42 ROCKY MOUNTAIN Spotted Fever tickborne disease caused by the bacterium Rickettsia rickettsi





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