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The General Circulation Anthes 5: 97-106. Global Pressure and Precipitation Zones.

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Presentation on theme: "The General Circulation Anthes 5: 97-106. Global Pressure and Precipitation Zones."— Presentation transcript:

1 The General Circulation Anthes 5: 97-106

2 Global Pressure and Precipitation Zones

3 Jet Streams

4 Regional and Local Circulations Anthes, Chapter 5, pp. 105-07 and 132-35

5 World’s Deserts and Dust Trajectories

6 Indian Summer Monsoon (wet) Thermal low over Nepal. Winds from sea. Land slopes up. Very wet. 425 in. of rain. Latent heat release intensifies the circulation.

7 Indian Winter Monsoon (dry) Cold, shallow High over Nepal. Winds from land. Air subsides from the highlands. Climate fair and dry.

8 Pacific High (cold) vs. Bermuda High (warm)

9 Florida sea breeze convergence


11 Hawaii sea breezes from space

12 Lake Effect

13 Rain, Freezing Rain, Sleet, Snow

14 Air Masses and Fronts Anthes, Chapter 5, pp. 107-113.




18 Air Masses

19 Air Mass Source Regions

20 Classic Norwegian Cyclone Model

21 Life Cycle of a Cyclone

22 Cold Fronts and Warm Fronts A Front is a transition zone between two air masses. Stationary front -- no movement Cold front 1. Sharp temperature change over short distance 2. Marked changes in the moisture (dew point) 3. Wind shift 4. Pressure change 5. Showery (convective) precipitation, then clearing Warm front 1. Slower and more gradual transition than cold front 2. Lowering clouds (stratus) and steady precipitation

23 Cold Front (top), Warm Front (bottom)

24 Occluded Front

25 Upper Air Support: The Big Picture

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