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Published byAdam Baldwin Modified over 9 years ago
Health Indicator Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)34 per 1000As on 2009 Malnutrition (below 3 years)25.4 % As on 2010 Birth Rate21.45 per 1000As on 2010 Death Rate6.28 per 1000As on 2010 Doctor Population Ratio1 per 2623As on 2010 Nurse Population Ratio1 per 666As on 2010
Performance during 2010-11 upto December, 2010
No of Schools Availing MDM Type of School PAB Approval No of Schools availing MDM Difference Primary School1421148968 Upper Primary School961100746 Total23822496114 As on 31 st December 2010
No. of Students availing MDM As on 31 st December 2010 Type of School PAB approval No of Students availing Average No Availing MDM Primary School1,00,0001,09,7491,00,969 Upper Primary School57,00054,18450,938 Total1,57,0001,63,9331,51,907
No. of Cook-cum-Helper engaged As on 31 st December 2010 Type of SchoolPAB ApprovalCCH engaged Primary School32053017 Upper Primary School19311859 Total51364876
Sl No Components2010-20112011-2012 1Cooking Assistance 0.70p for both PS & UPS 2Salary of CooksRs. 600/- State Contribution on Cooking Assistance & Salary of Cook-cum-Helpers
Kitchen Shed Construction Total Allocation received during 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09Completed Physical (in Nos)Financial ( in Rs.)Physical (in Nos)Financial ( in Rs.) 1533919.81533919.80 As on 31 st December 2010
Kitchen Devices Total Allocation received during 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09Completed Physical (in Nos)Financial ( in Rs.)Physical (in Nos)Financial ( in Rs.) 129464.70129464.70 As on 31 st December 2010
Nutritional norms (Primary School) Sl No Items Daily recom mend ed (in gms) Require ment recomme nded for MDM (in gms) Proposed recommen ded for MDM (in gms) Cost of quantity recommend ed (in rupees) Energy content (in calories) Protie n conte nt (in gms) 1Food grains250100 Separately reimbursed to FCI 3456.8 2Pulse5020 1.55705 3Vegetables-50 0.97162 4Oil and fat_550.3045- 5 Salt and condiment As per need 0.1-- 6Fuel---0.2-- Total3.1247613.8
Nutritional norms (Upper Primary School) Sl No Items Daily recommen ded requireme nt (in gms) Require ment recomm ended (in gms) Proposed recomme nded (in grms) Cost of quantity recommend ed (in rupees) Energy content(i n calories) Protien content (in gms) 1 Food grains 400150 Separately reimbursed to FCI 51810.2 2 Pulse 6030 2.441057.4 3 Vegetables 75 1.11352 4 Oil and fat As per need 0.48-- 5 Salt and condiment ---0.1-- 6 Fuel ---0.2-- Total4.3372519.6
Parents Teachers Association (PTA) plays a vital role to a large extent in successful implementation of Mid Day Meal by contributing locally available vegetables, firewoods and in terms of services. Similiarly NGO’s such as Mizo Hmeichhe Insuihkhawm Pawl (MHIP), Young Mizo Association (YMA) and other Church Organisations play an important part in implementing Mid-Day Meal Convergence with other Organisations
Implementing partners Sarva Shiksha Abhyian Village Education Committee Parents of School Children NGOs
School Health Programme Sl.No Name of District No of Schools No of school visited in 1st quarter No of school visited in 2nd quarter Total % of School visited in 2 quarter 1Aizawl58020531952490.34% 2Champhai324-39 12.04% 3Kolasib16636306639.76% 4Lawngtlai349-330.86% 5Lunglei4736717524251.16% 6Mamit273618248.79% 7Saiha2012212311.44% 8Serchhip14530568659.31% TOTAL2511346661100740.10%
Apart from the Monitoring Report of the Mizoram University, the State Government engaged a third party agency “Study Forum” to give an Analytical Report of Mid-day Meal Scheme for two Districts, Aizawl and Serchhip District. Analytical Report
Findings Service of hot cooked food was found in all visited schools. Most of the schools maintain MDM registers properly although it was not satisfactory in some of the schools. Majority of the schools reported irregularity of supply of Rice from Food Department as well as cooking Cost. Scarcity of water posed a problem for few schools when the water supply was irregular.
Suggestions The BRCCs and CRCCs under SSA may be requested to have at least a monthly survey on the actual enrolment of students under their blocks/clusters. Timely sanction and release of foodgrains and cooking cost is sure to help in improving the present status of MDM Training of teachers-in-charge-MDM and headmasters may be organized at least once a year so that everyone involved should take up their responsibilities dutifully and in a better way. Awareness Campaign regarding ownership as well as responsibilities of the NGOs, VECs and parents still required. Regular Monitoring may be done by surprise visits to the schools.
Steps taken for regular payment of Cooking Cost The Department of School Education felt the necessity for urgent release of cooking Cost, cook honorarium to the schools as well as payment of Cost of Foodgrains to the FCI. STREAMLINE PLAN in this regard is prepared and submitted to the State Govt. who in turn will issue sanction order within 30 days.
Budget for the year 2011-12
No. of Institutions for 2011-12 Institutions ExistingPROPOSAL Primary Schools1489 Upper Primary Schools1022 TOTAL2511
No. of Students for 2011-12 Institutions EnrollmentPROPOSAL Primary Schools (Cl I -V)119487110000 Upper Primary Schools (Cl VI-VIII)5313650000 TOTAL172623160000
Proposal of Kitchen Shed for 2011-12 Items Plinth Area I @ Rs 2.00 lakhs Plinth Area II @ Rs 2.50 lakhs Plinth Area III @ Rs 3.00 lakhs TOTAL Physical54729818863 Financial Rs 1094.00 lakhs Rs 745.00 lakhs Rs 54.00 lakhs Rs 1893.00 lakhs
Transportation Cost The average prevailing PDS rate for the whole state at present is Rs 396.00 per quintal.
Allocation in the state Budget The State allocate Rs 600.00 lakhs for the year 2011-12 in its Budget.
Items proposed to be taken up under MME IMan Power engagement: a)State level-Co-ordinator - 1 no -Date Entry Operator- 2nos -Project Assistant- 2 nos b)District level-Co-ordinator - 8 nos -Project Assistant- 8 nos Management Monitoring & Evaluation (MME) Plan
IITraining State Level - Orientation Training of State & District MDM staff during 2 nd week of June, 2011. b)District Level – i) BRCCs & CRCCs at their District during 4 th week of June, ’11. ii) Orientation Trainning of teacher i/c at District Level. 2511 Teachers during the last week of July, 2011. iii) CCH (2802 + 2074 Nos) at their District headquarter in 2 phases during 1 st week of August and 2 nd week of December. MME PLAN contd..
IIIExposure Visit A Team of 20 officials each are proposed to visit, i)Goa State during September, 2011 ii)Karnataka State during December, 2011 IVAnalytical Study Engagement of Independent Agency to conduct an Analytical Study on the functioning of MDM programmes in 2 District are proposed during this year which are, i) Champhai District- during July- August, 2011 ii) Kolasib District- during October- November, 2011 MME PLAN
VStrengthening of Monitoring & Supervision at all levels. VIStrengthening of MIS by:- i) Purchasing Computers for State & Districts Offices- 12nos. One each at District Offices and four at State level. ii) Internet Connection for State & District Offices. iii) IVRS is under consideration and financial implication will be intimated to Govt. of India. MME PLAN
VIIHiring of Vehicles. Chartering of 2 Vehicles at State Level. VIIIOffice Expenses Some amount of funds required to be kept at Offices for OE at State Office and District Offices. IXPreparation of Forms for School Level. MDM Cash Book was already supplied to the schools through Govt. Printing Press. Stock and MDM Beneficiary Register are proposed to be supplied this year.
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