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Defense Mechanisms Prof. Ramez Bedwani. Defense mechanisms The forces, which try to keep painful or socially undesirable thoughts and memories out of.

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Presentation on theme: "Defense Mechanisms Prof. Ramez Bedwani. Defense mechanisms The forces, which try to keep painful or socially undesirable thoughts and memories out of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Defense Mechanisms Prof. Ramez Bedwani

2 Defense mechanisms The forces, which try to keep painful or socially undesirable thoughts and memories out of the conscious mind

3 Defense mechanisms operate at an unconscious level and help turn off unpleasant feelings (i.e. anxiety) or make good things feel better for the individual.

4 We use defense mechanisms to protect ourselves from feelings of anxiety or guilt, which arise because we feel threatened, When they get out of proportion, neuroses develop, such as anxiety states, phobias, obsessions, or hysteria

5 Identification A focus on negative or feared traits Examples: If you are afraid of someone, you can practically conquer that fear by becoming more like them

6 Repression Repression is an unconscious mechanism employed by ego to keep disturbing or threatening thoughts from becoming conscious Examples: During the Oedipus complex aggressive thought about the same sex parents are repressed

7 Denial Denial involves blocking external events from awareness. If some situation is just too much to handle, the person just refuses to experience it. Examples: For example, smokers may refuse to admit to themselves that smoking is bad for their health.

8 Projection This involves individuals attributing their own unacceptable thought, feeling and motives to another person. Examples: You might hate someone, but your superego tells you that such hatred is unacceptable. You can solve the problem by believing that they hate you.

9 Displacement Satisfying an impulse (e.g. aggression) with a substitute object. Examples: Someone who is frustrated by his or her boss at work may go home and kick the dog.

10 Regression This is movement back in psychological time when one is faced with stress Examples: A child begin to suck their thumb again or wet the bed when they need to spend some time in the hospital.

11 Sublimation Satisfying an impulse (e.g. aggression) with a substitute object. In a socially acceptable way. Examples: Sport is an example of putting our emotions (e.g. aggression) into something constructive.

12 Rationalization Rationalization is the cognitive distortion of “the facts” to make an event or an impulse less threatening Examples: A boy dumped by his girlfriend says she was not that attractive anyway

13 Reaction formation A person goes beyond denial and behaves in the opposite way to which he thinks or feels Examples: Conscious feelings are the opposite of the unconscious. Love –hate, Shame- disgust and moralizing are reaction formation against sexuality

14 Examples of Defenses Mechanisms If you are afraid of someone, you can practically conquer that fear by becoming more like them A focus on negative or feared traitsIdentification During the Oedipus complex aggressive thought about the same sex parents are repressed Repression is an unconscious mechanism employed by ego to keep disturbing or threatening thoughts from becoming conscious. Repression For example, smokers may refuse to admit to themselves that smoking is bad for their health. Denial involves blocking external events from awareness. If some situation is just too much to handle, the person just refuses to experience it. Denial You might hate someone, but your superego tells you that such hatred is unacceptable. You can solve the problem by believing that they hate you. This involves individuals attributing their own unacceptable thought, feeling and motives to another person. Projection Someone who is frustrated by his or her boss at work may go home and kick the dog. Satisfying an impulse (e.g. aggression) with a substitute object. Displacement A child begin to suck their thumb again or wet the bed when they need to spend some time in the hospital. This is movement back in psychological time when one is faced with stress Regression Sport is an example of putting our emotions (e.g. aggression) into something constructive. Satisfying an impulse (e.g. aggression) with a substitute object. In a socially acceptable way. Sublimation A boy dumped by his girlfriend says she was not that attractive anyway. Rationalization is the cognitive distortion of “the facts” to make an event or an impulse less threatening Rationalization Conscious feelings are the opposite of the unconscious. Love –hate, Shame- disgust and moralizing are reaction formation against sexuality A person goes beyond denial and behaves in the opposite way to which he thinks or feels Reaction formation

15 Assignment ناريمان محمد محمد حلبي ندى حجازي اسماعيل حجازي ندى محمود أحمد علي أحمد نهال غريب علي عبيد نورهان اشرف السيد الشرنوبي خليفة Environment, stress, and mental mechanisms نورهان محمد سليم خيري السيد هاجر محمد طه علي هاله محمد وجدي السيد غالي هايدي سعيد حسن غنيم هبه الله محمد محمود احمد السمان Defense mechanism هدير كمال جمعة أبو بكر هدير متولي مصطفي عطية هدير محمود احمد محمد محمود هند حماده سعد احمد عبد الله هند نجاح عبده حجازي Repression

16 Quiz Correct or wrong a- repression is: 1.To keep disturbing thought form becoming conscious 2.Satisfying an impulse with substitute object. b-Regression is 1.Movement back in psychological time when one is faced with stress 2.Satisfying an impulse with a substitute object.

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