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Impact through Volunteering HUB Phoenix teams up with the Human Services Campus.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact through Volunteering HUB Phoenix teams up with the Human Services Campus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact through Volunteering HUB Phoenix teams up with the Human Services Campus

2 Possibility of creating Impact Partners through volunteering Benefits the organization of choice Benefits HUB Benefits the HUB volunteer

3 Benefits the organization of choice Recipient of ongoing volunteer efforts Greater exposure Laying the groundwork to qualify for financial impact partner Building a relationship as groundwork for future collaboration with HUB Increasing motivation for building a HUB business

4 Benefits for HUB Fulfilling the HUB mission in the U.S. Exposure in local communities Increasing visibility and credibility Creating examples of active non-profits in the matrix Creating impact stories of real people in the U.S. Expanding membership

5 Benefits for the HUB volunteer Making it real Being involved in the local community Finding new members Increasing individual credibility Utilizing the power of the local team to increase the impact Branding HUB Personal satisfaction

6 EXAMPLE HUB Phoenix in Action at the Human Services Campus

7 Breakfast Fundraiser for HSC Hubbies Handled invitations, follow ups and PR Arranged for food donations and setup of buffet Created AV documentation

8 Day of Dignity at HSC Daniel provides interactive entertainment Tim hands out food The entire team is present most of the time

9 Miracle on Watkins Road feeding 1200 families Collaboration with Feed 333, Feed the Children, HSC and HUB HUB Phoenix did all on - site preparations Supported HSC residents to participate as volunteers

10 Ongoing efforts of HUB Phoenix Team at the HSC Participation in the All In Campaign Helped create tax credit campaign Set up website for HSC Free massages for HSC staff Ongoing administrative help Facilitation of communication training for residents And more….

11 How can we make impact through volunteer work? Key questions are: How can HUB uphold a standard of excellence in its members’ volunteer efforts? How can HUB document, measure and direct these efforts? How can HUB reward volunteer effort?

12 Requirements for potential Impact Partner Aligned with HUB mission Enrolled in HUB

13 Suggested Guidelines A dedicated team of HUB members must guarantee ongoing and substantial volunteer effort of high quality. This effort could be documented at our online platform in some kind of self monitoring way. For example, members enter their weekly hours with some description in a log that is part of our social networking platform. A team leader could be responsible for a quarterly report or presentation that can be viewed by all HUB members on our impact page.

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