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Реализация целевого городского проекта «Английский для всех» в ходе подготовки к Универсиаде 2013 года.

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Presentation on theme: "Реализация целевого городского проекта «Английский для всех» в ходе подготовки к Универсиаде 2013 года."— Presentation transcript:

1 Реализация целевого городского проекта «Английский для всех» в ходе подготовки к Универсиаде 2013 года

2 Языковая личность – новое понятие в методике, которое означает комплекс способностей и готовностей к общению и взаимодействию

3 Для обеспечения Универсиады 2013 года потребуется привлечение 20 тысяч добровольных помощников.

4 Сферы деятельности волонтёров разнообразны: работа в оргкомитете и на информационных стойках в отелях, транспортное обеспечение и логистика, работа атташе - сопровождение гостей, встречи гостей, аккредитация прессы, работа на спортивных соревнованиях, в пресс-центре и многое другое.

5 Гость волонтеров – Миссис Ватсон

6 У нас в гостях будущая участница Универсиады Анники Миллер (Африка)

7 Выступление на городском семинаре волонтеров

8 Friends Forever

9 Мы встречаем команду регбистов из Оксфордского Университета

10 Lingva турнир

11 Встреча с тренером и игроком сборной команды США по хоккею с мячом

12 4 иностранных студента и Тимофеев Глеб, ученик 8 Б класса школы № 39, на обложке Учебного пособия для волонтеров

13 Шипачев Санислав и Альтман Ксения – авторы статей для пособия Welcome to Kazan

14 We are the world! We are the children!

15 Мы приветствуем гостей

16 UNIVERSIADE VOLUNTEERS III городской фестиваль знатоков иностранных языков


18 Ziganshina Dina, 10B form school #39 The month of April was full of competitions that were held in the Festival of Foreign Languages. 18 in total, they were all unique and gave us an opportunity to show our skills in different fields. School children of all ages could participate. There were special contests for primary school children, which is, in my opinion, great because they had an opportunity to speak in front of the public and “dive” deeper into foreign languages than it was possible to do at school lessons. Children from secondary school participated in such activities as the singing contest in different languages. We, the elder students, took part in the contests of tour guides, volunteers, and what not. For example, everyone could write an essay about the way their family is getting ready for the Universiade. I, myself, participated in many of activities listed above. I took part in the “Universiade Volunteers” contest and our team won the first prize. I loved the atmosphere during the competition and the friendly attitude of people towards each other. There were many people, who produced an impression of a big family where everyone supported each other. Somehow, the victory didn’t matter too much. We did it for pleasure, we showed our talents and learned how to treat each other well. That is the real idea of volunteering. The other activity I was chosen to participate in was the contest of the IT projects on the topic” Sport life in Oxford and Tatarstan”. I enjoyed the process of making (recording) the video very much. Although it took us a lot of time and energy, it was worth it. We won the first prize again but what we enjoyed most, was the presentation of other teams. They opened a whole new world for me. I learned a lot about sport in general and about sport in England as well. I think that children of all ages should learn foreign languages, such as English, French, German and Italian. While learning a new language, the history of the country comes, too. As we all are young, the learning of foreign languages is easy for us now. It will be very important for our future. We all can be volunteers at the Universiade. The festival taught us that being a volunteer is a bit more difficult than just showing off and having fun, but it is much more rewarding. It gave us all an opportunity to look into a totally different world of new ideas and old morals.


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