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Innovations: Adoption, Resistance, Diffusion

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1 Innovations: Adoption, Resistance, Diffusion
Chapter 15 Innovations: Adoption, Resistance, Diffusion

2 Learning Objectives~ Ch. 15
To access: Classifications of innovations, benefits offered & breadth Adoption of innovation, why consumers resist innovation, & timing of innovation Diffusion & its relationship to the product life cycle Factors affecting adoption, resistance, & diffusion

3 Adoption of, Resistance to & Diffusion of Innovations

4 Innovation “…an offering that is new to the marketplace… a product, service, or idea…consumers within a market segment perceive as new & that has an effect on existing consumption patterns.” Innovations can be new products or new services What is an example of a new service innovation that has changed your life for the better?

5 Characteristics of Innovations
Degree of novelty Continuous Dynamically continuous Discontinuous Benefits offered Functional Aesthetic/hedonic Symbolic Breadth

6 Innovation Continuum Discontinuous Dynamically continuous Continuous
Depends on degree of behavioral change What are examples of each part of the innovation continuum spectrum?

7 Adoption/Resistance to Innovations
Resistance (e.g., retail resistance, market resistance) People are inherently resistant to change & to things they are uncertain of Adoption—hierarchy of effect High-effort Low-effort Timing of adoption decisions Characteristics of adopter groups Application of adopter group categories

8 High & Low Effort Hierarchy of Effects

9 Profile of Adopter Groups

10 Use-Diffusion Patterns

11 Marketing & Advertising Implications
Demographics Social influence Personality Cultural values Media involvement Usage Event marketing Social media

12 Diffusion of Innovations
“…reflects the behavior of the marketplace of consumers as a group…the percentage of the population that has adopted an innovation at a specific point in time.” Why do some goods diffuse quickly, while others lag?

13 Diffusion & PLC Pattern of adoption/diffusion curve
S-Shaped = associated with risk Exponential = little risk, switching cost low Product life cycle stages (PLC) Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Can a product stay in one PLC cycle for eternity?

14 PLC Curve

15 S-Shaped Diffusion Curve

16 Exponential Diffusion Curve

17 PLC Pattern Fad Fashion Classic
Note that PCL is at the product level, not the brand level

18 Innovation Characteristics
Perceived Value Perceived Benefits Relative Advantage Use innovativeness Perceived Costs Risk/Uncertainty

19 Creating Advantage to Switch
Communicate/ demonstrate advantage Price promotions to reduce perceived costs Provide incentives to switch

20 Consumer Learning & Diffusion
The following impact diffusion rate: Compatibility Trialability Complexity

21 Social Relevance Observability—Others Using Innovation Social Value
Socially desirable Speeds diffusion Legitimacy & Adaptability

22 Social System Characteristics: Modernity Homophily Physical Distance
Opinion Leadership

23 Consequences of Innovation
Consequences to consumers, businesses, & society May offer new relative advantages Negative consequences may arise Social Economic

24 Questions?

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