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DLESE Metadata Story Katy Ginger Metadata Architect DLESE Program Center Session: Metadata stories – The Creation and Management of Metadata.

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Presentation on theme: "DLESE Metadata Story Katy Ginger Metadata Architect DLESE Program Center Session: Metadata stories – The Creation and Management of Metadata."— Presentation transcript:

1 DLESE Metadata Story Katy Ginger ( Metadata Architect DLESE Program Center Session: Metadata stories – The Creation and Management of Metadata 2004 NSDL Meeting

2 2 DLESE Metadata Frameworks ADNAnnotationNews and Opps Constructed from IMS GEM Dublin Core fields that worked best for DLESE DLESE adopted the old proposed NSDL annotation framework ( /annotation/Annotation Format.html) /annotation/Annotation Format.html Own development to mean community need to highlight: Job Grants or proposals Awards Workshops Learning or research opporutnities Call for participation DLESE web applications use collection records to know about collections regardless of item-level metadata used.

3 3 ADN required metadata (web resources) Title - the name of the resource (free text) URL or access information - URL for online resources or access information to a physical object (free text) Description - a narrative describing the content, purpose or goal of the resource (free text) Subject - topic areas of the resource (controlled vocabulary) Technical requirements - information related to platform requirements and browsers (controlled vocabulary) Resource type - the type of educational resource, such as lab exercise, tutorials, etc. (controlled vocabulary) Audience - grade range of the resource (controlled vocabulary) Copyright - copyright/ usage statement (free text) Cost - does it cost to access or use (controlled vocabulary) Resource creator - author/publisher information (free text) Resource cataloger - cataloger contact information (free text)

4 4 ADN Educational Fields - an evolution IMSAction TakenADN Interactivity type Retained: NSDL-DC adopted the field so keptInteractivity type Interactivity level Retained: NSDL-DC adopted the field so keptInteractivity level Resource type Retained: GEM, Dublin Core, IEEE-LOM, IMS and NSDL-DC contain resource type; idea also expressed in the DLESE Community Plan can be essential in narrowing search and determining context of use (e.g. lesson plan versus course) Resource type Semantic density Retired: applies to text resources; very subjective; meaning may be ambiguous Grade range (Learning context) Retained: DLESE is an education library. Grade information is essential for classifying resources Grade range

5 5 ADN Educational Fields - an evolution IMSAction TakenADN Beneficiary (Intended user) Retained but new meaning: DLESE resources are used in many different roles to to benefit many groups of people; so adopt GEM fields of tool for and beneficiary and some GEM vocabulary terms Beneficiary New field: DLESE resources are used in many different roles to to benefit many groups of people; so adopt GEM fields of tool for and beneficiary and some GEM vocabulary terms Tool for DifficultyRetired: generally applicable to certain resource types; subjective; meaning may be ambiguous Typical use time Retained: Since DLESE resources are used by different groups to benefit different groups, time interacting with a resource may be completely different for each different groups Typical use time

6 6 ADN Educational Fields - an evolution IMSAction TakenADN LanguageMoved: Removed from educational metadata; made pare general metadata section Educational description Retained: Provides a free text field for any educational information to be expanded upon or new information to be included; different than the general resource description Educational description New field: Adopted from GEM to provide a more complete pedagogic description of a resource Teaching method New field: Adopted from GEM to provide a more complete pedagogic description of a resource; goal is to provide library users with the instructional goal of the resource without having to go to the resource itself Instructional goal

7 7 ADN Educational Fields - an evolution IMSAction TakenADN Standards (really Classification in IMS) New field: DLESE Community Plan (pages 9-10 mentions interfacing to standards as important Content standards New field: Answers does a student arrive at an appropriate solution based on sound reasoning or process Process standards New field: DLESE can be a resource for professional development of educators Teaching standards

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